Gah, how did I forget it was Revelations. Thanks for the link.
You and me both. Ill be over at the bar if you want to hang out.
I know this is OT but Im interested to read how religous people reconcile this in their minds. I mean, Id seriously doubt any of us regular Joe's/Joettes are on that list so whats the reward? If the vast majority of us are destined to hell, why believe?
Seriously, read the passage in context (Revelation 7). Sometimes I am amazed at the comments you guys make and think are well-informed. If you read the passage you can instantly tell that the 144,000 are not "all saved people" or something like that. There is a distinct difference between this group (12,000 from each tribe of Israel) and the group mentioned after them (who are described as saved in the Christian sense of the word), all clothed in white robes and are innumerable. I know they are distinct because one is numbered 144,000 and the other group is "a great multitude that no one can count".
Then looking at Revelation 14, one sees that the group is singled out in heaven by their unique gift of being the only ones able to learn a certain worship song to God. This hardly means they are the only saved ones. I think people hear the word, "sealed" and think that means saved or something.
I'll go more in depth because I know none of you will even think of reading the actual Bible chapter. Verse 3 of chapter 7 is an angel (with his own seal) telling the some other angels (who are holding back some nasty forces of nature), "Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God." So we establish that the 12,000 from each tribe in Israel (which amounts to 144,000) are servants of God. Then John looks at these other guys in verse 9, "After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands." How can there be a multitude from every nation if it is only from the 12 tribes of Israel? ANSWER: IT ISN'T THE SAME GROUP, MEANING THERE ARE MORE SAVED PEOPLE THAN THE 144,000. How do we know these people are saved, you ask? Because the elder tells John who they are. How convenient for this conversation, I know... In verse 14-17:
"And he said, 'These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore,
"they are before the throne of God
and serve him day and night in his temple;
and he who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them.
Never again will they hunger;
never again will they thirst.
The sun will not beat upon them,
nor any scorching heat.
For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd;
he will lead them to springs of living water.
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.'"
That sounds saved to me. So we have established that there is an innumerable amount of people other than the 144,000. This is how I "reconcile", Gfted1; I don't have to in the first place.
And you and Xard don't have to go to hell. You both have a choice, along with every other human that has ever existed. You sincerely ask Jesus Christ, the sinless Son of God, to be the sacrifice for your sins, and you are saved. I don't see how this is so unknown. I hear people say things like Xard said and they actually mean it, but for some reason they don't realize that God has provided a way out. They have faith in heaven and hell, but not God's mercy.
Maybe people just don't understand what sin is. Sin is loosely defined as anything you do that is bad. For example, lying, stealing, coveting, committing adultery, lusting, murdering, fornicating. These are all things described in the Bible as sins. These are not things that normal people should be proud of. I mean, if you are proud of murdering, then most would agree when I say you are either locked up or should be. So if you aren't proud of your sin, there is nothing wrong with repenting, or turning away, from it. But if you repent, that doesn't change the fact that you sinned already.
Well, that's where Jesus comes in. He takes the penalty for sin. Oh, I forgot to mention, God punishes sin. Just like there is a judicial system in the US, there is an ultimate Judge, God. The laws are set, and Romans 1 says we have conscience and are without excuse if we never saw it in writing or something definitively definitive. And this punishment is what we need salvation from. So we are saved from the punishment. The judge is giving us his son to take the punishment for us.
Srsly guys, I can't understand why you don't all accept this gift from your Creator. Even if it wasn't true, which I assure you it is, what would be wrong with believing it for now and accepting Christ? Srsly, you are not going to splode into thousands of pieces or stop enjoying video games or smthing.