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Everything posted by Blank

  1. Tonic water
  2. Congrats, dawg.

  3. It bothers me that they will probably make another Pirates. They are just after my money and I'm sick of seeing mindless action. Seriously, the whirlpool scene in Pirates 3 was the dumbest thing I've ever had to sit through. It lasted 20 minutes and both ships came out in one piece. Nobody important was dead and nothing was resolved that couldn't have been resolved without a 20 minute long ship-fight in a gigantic whirlpool. It was graphically stunning, but so was the opening scene of Star Wars III, which was much shorter and better in regards to action in my opinion. Of course, this is all subjective. I'm sure people thought it was great action, the right duration, and worth the time and effort put into it. I simply got sick of the ship-fight scenes after I had seen two or three, so by the time that huge one came around, I was done. It also probably didn't help that I felt done with the movie an hour before it was actually over.
  4. I didn't like Spiderman 3 nor Pirates 3.
  5. How did that go? Finch- Worms of the Earth
  6. Garnet from FF9
  7. "You are Sasuke. Stylish. Skillful. Sexy. You've never had trouble getting people to notice you even if sometimes you wish they wouldn't. At least you can always feel happy knowing you excel at whatever you try. Now if you could only kill that brother of yours..."
  8. It depends on your use for them. Cheap, bad headphones are definitely not worth it, but decent ones can serve you well if you are only a leisure sound connoisseur.
  9. Nach Scratch- En El Punto De Mira
  10. Blank


    What's that sauce you Brits use?
  11. Blank


    Try slicing it up into pieces and using it in place of ham or turkey on a ham or turkey sandwich. Alternatively, slice it up and try to make it like bacon or something for breakfast. Get creative and put it in your friends' shoes for an especially tasty treat. The options are limitless!
  12. Blank


    At work, a guy holding a water and three sticks of string cheese asked me how much the string cheese was. I told him, "25 cents." To which he responded, "You know you are 24 when all you have for dinner is water and string cheese." Poor guy must've not seen the SPAM on the next aisle.
  13. Blank


    I don't remember the taste of spam, though I believe I've had it before. It's popular in Hawaii because of it's portability, light weight, and preservative properties, so it can be shipped easily and whatnot. Everything in Hawaii costs more because stuff gets shipped in. I might be wrong, but that's what I heard.
  14. Surely social welfare could be implemented in a better way than SS, though. Fair enough. Did you have any ideas, or was it a general observation? It was just a general observation. If the U.S. became a wise steward of its resources, then this issue would be no problem over here.
  15. Surely social welfare could be implemented in a better way than SS, though.
  16. Social Security isn't a problem to me because I've grown up hearing about how I will not get anything from it and how I'll actually have to pay for everyone older than me who was promised money. I could care less, as long as we get rid of the crappy system as soon as possible and let people be financially responsible on their own. People should be competent enough to save up their own money and make their own financial plans.
  17. What age range are you in? 18-24 Are you male or female? Male Do you think overpopulation is a problem? No. What do you think should be done to solve it? I don't think Overpopulation is a problem. Are you worried about this? No. Do you think the dwindling social security fund is a problem? No. What do you think should be done to solve it? I don't think it's a problem. Are you concerned about this? No.
  18. I've got no beef with hair unless it is hurting me or someone else physically. I suppose it could also be distracting, but so can other things, and we seem to tolerate those well enough.
  19. a dynosor! rawr!
  20. From this poll you'd think blondes are shunned in our societies.
  21. I once met a nice, quiet, reserved, concerned, smart red head. Then I woke up.
  22. Sawyer's my hero. After Nick_i_am of course.
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