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Everything posted by Blank

  1. He just wants a new genre. The current genre has the player role-playing a character that is more or less already defined by the conditional scripts in place. I happen to like that interaction. It's not completely sandbox role-playing, but that type of game would be impossible to make at this stage. I mean, you can't type in a phrase for your character to yell and have the npc's interact in a fashion that you'd expect them to, Or start doing cartwheels on top of concession stands and expect npc's to react correctly. The current genre entertains me because it's like I am controlling a character in a movie, and though it is limited in some ways, it is enough for me.
  2. Get over it, BioJedi. We know someone could do it if they had a ton of time and energy, but nobody will. It's time and effort better spent elsewhere. Of course there are fans and people who are good at modding, but you just try and get a group of people together and start doing this project.
  3. DoD Hearts of Iron 2 Exceptions, not the rule.
  4. Solo your speed falls straight through the floor, but when you have a buddy to play with things go MUCH faster. I got a ten-day trial for WoW a month ago and played some. I guess it was pretty fun, but I don't have the time to get my money's worth for $15 a month. I mostly enjoyed being a gnome and traveling to the human starting point and doing missions there (I got sick of being around snow and dwarves and other gnomes). The tall people with lower levels would challenge me and I'd beat their faces.
  5. Find some sith and kill them. Eventually, one should drop off of their cold, dead bodies.
  6. It simply isn't feasible, man. Read that last list of reasons he won't release the work so far, they almost directly answer your questions (e.g. "you'd be restoring someone's attempts to recreate someone else's work", "The time taken to transfer all the information to a new set of modders, explain what point x meant on the plan and why y is sarcastic when he's a droid... would be ridiculous.") The team abandoned the mod, and I doubt they'd be willing to come back to it. From Pavlos' advice, it sounds like they have a bitter taste in their mouth from this experience. It's also an older game to mod for anyway, and I am sure they are focusing their efforts on newer ones, like NWN2. I know it's a shame, and it's sad, but it really sounds like this is over.
  7. This would be a good, funny game actually. An office-based RPG, and I think people have talked about it here before. It should be riddled with tongue-in-cheek humour, poking fun at all the RPG archetypes, but the main character always gets to sarcastically respond or note stupidity in the dialog options. You can choose your class by what you are hired on to be. You can start out as an artist, a programmer, or a game designer. Each class would have its own drawbacks and benefits. The game would take place in day-segments. At the end of each day, the Obsidian employee has to visit the Obsidian Entertainment Forum Community, and identify logical fallacies made by posters like Onur the Courageous, or stifle angry consumers by selecting the proper response to a topic started. Of course there'd be cameo appearances of Baley, which would consist of PM's to the PC that are simply original, Baley-style literature/diatribes. Throughout the week, the employee PC is to be visited by Chris Avellone, or Chris Parker, or some other big cheese, to see what got done. This would trigger a battle, where the outcome partly determines your standing in the business. Or you could stealthily avoid them or distract them, and get exp. points that way. Daily work would get done differently for each class. A game designer walks through the office, town, or publishing company's warehouse, looking for and accumulating ideas, but gets attacked by writer's block in the form of demons or somesuch creature. The same type of thing for the artist, but they'd also travel in nature among other places. Maybe even for the programmer, but he/she would be doing this kind of thing on the computer also. The story primarily takes place between NPC and PC interaction. I don't know how to fit a party into this game. It might be possible, once the PC is a higher level, to give the PC a coworker to lead or something. There might be a quest or two about training the new employees. I'm sure there are tons of ideas in this relatively untouched genre. Edit: And of course the game would have a couple well-written romance storylines... that don't necessarily end in coitus. I'm drawing the line here, either the romance is well-written and well thought out, or it isn't in the game at all. This is either a serious pillar of the game, or it isn't in the game. There is no middle ground if you want a good game with romance in it. But srsly, this game won't get made. I liked thinking of ideas for it though.
  8. If they fix roughly .85714 issues per day, we have 2.5 to three months left.
  9. Topping/Ingredient: Honey First Person Shooter: Counter-Strike Source Manga: Berserk DM: DM
  10. Are you willing to share your reasons for dislike? I am interested.
  11. Chaotic neutral

  12. You're just defending it because your rig can handle it. Your rig can't handle XP? Don't rub it in! But actually, I thought you were talking about Vista.
  13. Lawful Neutral

  14. Every quarter a "new" WW2 game comes out. This dead horse has been beaten into a bloody pool of slime. I'm sick of it, game developers. Notice there is no innovation. The player is never one of the Germans. One man can always defeat battalions of the enemy. There's always a stupid narrator, or some attempt at a story that sucks, because you know what happens, and there is no character development. There's always a bunch of scripted crap, like "Hey Jenkins! Go blow up five hundred tanks by pressing A!" Reinforcements are always coming, but they are never there. The Germans are always yelling, "EN MAHDDAH BOODIN!" The enemy AI sucks, and if you play on hard mode, they are the same, but with 200% more health points and they can shoot you from anywhere with more powerful bullets. Buildings are always decrepit and war-torn. I frequently receive the responsibility to take out an enemy sniper, as though there are no others in the military who are capable. According to some of my allies the enemies are always, "EVERYWHERE!" This genre could be great. It could help tell the story of a big part of our history, however, the potential is drown out by the horrible tons of WW2 games that come out all year. Please, Obsidian, don't make a WW2 game. Don't even think about it. It would make me cry.
  15. The number of believers don't prove the existence of another realm. In fact the numbers contradict each other due to the various religious beliefs. ...If faith is the answer to your religion, then how come faith is also the answer to a religion that has nothing to do with your special specific one? Like I said, sin corrupts the truth, so you get all these false religions. That's just how I'm explaining it. A good dose of humour is always welcome. Thanks. What is wrong with feeling secure and being so unreasonable that your main objective is to help people in this life? Of course, it is dangerous to stop there, because you get the people we call lunatics that are actually just hateful and they try to excuse their actions as if god told them to do what they've done. Which is why I don't stop there. Do you see me being unreasonable other than on this point? Am I killing people? Am I being disruptive in society at all? No, no, no. Hopefully, if I am doing what "my religion" tells me to do, I am being kind, charitable, and loving to everyone.
  16. I wasn't conclusively saying anything. I was trying to give an example for what the verse was saying. It's certainly not scientific, and I was hardly trying to prove anything to you. Sorry if there was any confusion on that. If it's any consolation, I disagree with Intelligent Design theorists too, because they act like they are presenting science and testable proofs when it's not science at all. That irks me. I mean, I believe that God created everything, but that viewpoint cannot be backed up by science (from what I can tell). They have this idea that because things are complex, that automatically proves God made everything, but that's like stating a hypothesis that isn't testable. And when your main proof is a hypothesis that isn't testable, you are out of the realm of science. Please, if there are ID people here, I want to hear how you think creationism is scientifically backed up. I just don't see it. I have faith in it, but how can it be science? For that matter, I also dispute putting ID in school science classes. It really has no place. Unless you are presenting it in the faux-science section. I did that in 9th grade, went through different "theories" and had to state why they weren't science. As for the heart behind ID, which is obviously creationism, I think that has a place in a class that presents world views. A lot of people believe it, so I think it would be valid to present it in the class... Along with all the other world-views.
  17. The replay value is high, because you always miss something on the first play through. The timed aspect might get annoying, but if you plan on playing it a couple times then you can just shrug off the dying people.
  18. I'm not giving definite proof, but the fact that there is religion all around the world shows that people recognize there is something more to life than on this earth, but it has sadly been perverted by sin. The verse is saying that when you look at creation, you can see some qualities of God, and that that is enough evidence to make men have no excuse for living in sin.
  19. Today was pretty good. I got a call from a fax machine. It called back even after I told it I didn't know morse code.
  20. Here's the Protestant standpoint. There are multiple places in the Bible that mention Abraham's faith in God as being accredited to him as righteousness. This fact allows others to have the same privilege. Jesus is still the way we are saved, it just takes faith though. And not just faith like believing God exists, because James 2:19 says even the demons believe, and shudder. Galatians 3:6-9 "Even so Abraham BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS RECKONED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS. Therefore, be sure that it is those who are of faith who are sons of Abraham. The Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, 'ALL THE NATIONS WILL BE BLESSED IN YOU.' So then those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham, the believer. " Genesis 15:6 "Then he believed in the LORD; and He reckoned it to him as righteousness." (The source verse) Romans 4:9 "Is this blessing then on the circumcised, or on the uncircumcised also? For we say, "FAITH WAS CREDITED TO ABRAHAM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS." (circumcised meaning Jews, uncircumcised meaning non-Jews, aka gentiles, the ones who weren't chosen initially as God's people. The point in this passage is to say that not only are the chosen people blessed, everyone else is blessed by Jesus, if they have faith.) So I think Jesus is the means to an end. If you are on some remote island, but have faith that God is good and will save you somehow, I don't know how this is any different than saying God will save me with Jesus. The faith is credited as righteousness, according to these verses. And to tie up any loose ends, Romans 1:20, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."
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