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Everything posted by Blank

  1. Alright, we're queuing up for the 4 'o' clock start time. I'm open to ideas for what we'll play, i.e. the campaign or a mod. Report in, team. Edit: We don't have to start at 4 necessarily. I'd like to wait for a little and see who is going to show up here. I see Oerwinde and Tale.
  2. Sorry, but you've got nothing on Supermarket Hijynx.
  3. I personally don't like it. I'm surprised it isn't more disliked.
  4. Feng, I'm still up for that game if life ever gets easy for you.
  5. I wouldn't expect a book called "World War Z" to be any good at all.
  6. It was more of a satire of all the different ideas coming to my mind. Thanks for the analysis.
  7. "I mean,"- A poem by Blank Do whatever makes you feel good. We'll all die someday, so why not live it up? Drugs, sex, whatever. I don't care if it is wrong or if I die sooner, as long as I feel good. I mean, you should do your best to live a long, healthy life, doing your favourite things, contributing to society, helping others, finding the love of your life, having kids, living life to its fullest. I mean, I personally prefer to be shot and killed rather than live another day. I mean, if the opportunity presented itself, I'd try my best to stop a maniacal shooter because it would create a situation where my death would be acceptable to most people around me. I mean, if the opportunity presented itself, I'd try my best to stop a maniacal shooter because it is the right thing to do. I hope I'd be selfless and sacrifice my life. I mean, life is great. Get body armour to protect your valuable, meaningful, wonderful life! I mean, I'm only here right now because I believe God doesn't want me to take my life. Otherwise, life isn't worth it in my eyes. "Cruelest dream: reality." I mean, you guys are being insensitive, especially after what happened at Virginia Tech. I mean, life is precious, and you are all privileged and blessed, so make the best of it! I mean, life sucks and I wish I was one of those people at Virginia Tech. I mean, guns being legal are the problem here. I mean, deranged lunatic outbreaks once in a blue moon are the problem here. I mean, hundreds of people don't already die every day from starvation, we should definitely pay attention to the deaths at Virginia Tech and pay no attention to other deaths on a larger scale. I mean, this could happen to you! I mean, I want this to happen to me! I mean, this kind of thing is preventable. Had society been kinder and accepted this poor, lost soul, the incident would not have occurred. I mean, nobody could have prevented this tragedy, nobody could have known. Teh Edn.
  8. Are you dead? Because that would suck.

  9. New? Yeah, if old means new. Geeze, how long have you been gone? Edit: Asian Kung-Fu Generation- Blue Train
  10. I don't know. Pixies would rather not split. I'm sure we could fit us all in. I think we're going to start with new characters at level 1 unless anyone disagrees. Does someone know of a good mod for this many people? Are we going to just co-op the whole campaign? The character I'll make will be a fighter, I suppose.
  11. Here's the current roster. If I am getting something wrong, please tell me. This is just so people can coordinate. Also, splitting groups is definitely looking like the plan. We'll discuss this later. What's important right now is that we have a group of Obsdianites who are serious about playing online together sometime this weekend and/or the next and/or the next. PST (GMT-8 ): Blank, Bokishi, Hurlshot, Oerwinde CDT (GMT-6): Tale, Sand EST (GMT-5): Nightshade, Pixies, Rhomal Other Continental Time: Tigranes (GMT+12), SteveThaiBinh (GMT +3), Jorian (GMT+2), Mreku (GMT+1) Unspecified but posting in thread: Dark Raven, Atreides, Meta, Llyranor
  12. Okay Sand, for the record, I think you are with Tale in the CDT (GMT-6). Needless to say, that's two hours ahead of what I posted for the PSTers. I'm assuming the USers will all be playing together. Tigranes, I believe this is anytime from 11am to 5pm for you on Sunday, and anytime from 8am to 5pm on Monday.
  13. I tentatively propose this weekend, Saturday anytime from 4-10pm PST or Sunday anytime from 1-10pm PST. Edit: And no, Bok, Dark Raven is in my party.
  14. Are you playing, Hades? If so, at this time it would be appropriate for you to post your timezone and other pertinent information.
  15. I'm not sure what that means, but if you are hitting on me... it's working.
  16. Why did the delete button have to disappear?
  17. Alright, correct me if I'm wrong, but here's the layout so far: PST (GMT-8 ): Blank, Bokishi, Hurlshot, Oerwinde CST (GMT-6): Tale EST (GMT-5): Nightshade, Pixies Other Continental Time: Tigranes (GMT+12), SteveThaiBinh (GMT +3), Jorian (GMT+2) Unspecified but interested: Sand Hades, you are welcome to queue up in this thread if you are still interested. If we get more people I definitely think we'll split up, especially if some groups want mornings or nights or whatever works out best. We could also probably fit everyone in because of this. For example, if the PSTers go early, like at 8am, then SteveThaiBinh would be able to join up in the evening at 6pm. This has been a helpful tool: http://www.worldtimezone.com/
  18. I'm PST with Hurlshot and Oerwinde, and Pixies is +3 hours to us. If I recall correctly, Tigranes, I think you made it to Eldar's campaign once or twice, so we'll see if we can get you in too. If enough people are interested, we might consider splitting up groups.
  19. Okay, so Pixies and I tried to play a campaign of NWN2, but these impersonal people just started going with no regard for us. I didn't even really know what was happening in the story. This NPC yelled at me to go into ruins and get shards, and I was like, "Screw that, I am just an elven ranger who happens to have no items after 78 years of life and I have randomly been teleported into a group of people who proceed to violate me with requests for trading and run away." Our idea was to get some people together to play. I guess we'd play on weekends or whenever. I was wondering who was interested. I have to go to work now, but Pixies will leave some details... if he feels like it.
  20. Oh, I forgot to tell you, on my expedition I discovered your captain's log in my pack. I won't rat you out, but don't let the crew ever find out that you were the one who placed the dog crap in the light fixture last month.

  21. Did people expect OE to put out a game that is as polished as Bioware's is after several years of expansions and updates? Also, I played the NWN1 OC within the last few months, and it is lame in my eyes. It has some good parts, but it also has some bad parts. For example, it is really boring at times. Running through the desolate, plague ridden towns that are full of enemies in order to get to the next part of the mission is not very entertaining. I am certainly not addicted to it as Elioraanasnasna says he was. I did get addicted to KOTOR that way though. ----------Spoileretas warning. If you haven't played NWN1 and are planning to, don't read the next paragraph, but actually, you might consider it, since then you'd know what dumb stuff you are getting into-------------- I'd like to say that Aribeth is the most annoying NPC to whom I've ever been subjugated in a game. Her voice got annoying quickly, and she had a shallow personality. I was seriously talking her through the simplest of internal/emotional "dilemmas" every time I reported back to base. Then when her precious lover dies because he was a huge traitor that the town hated for conspiring to the mass homicide of his own people, she suddenly wants revenge for him. Subsequently, when you explain to her how stupid she is, you are able to persuade her to not be stupid anymore (I am just assuming this is possible, because in my play-through she was stubborn to the end in conversation. Even when she was almost dead she didn't give up, so I had to kill her out of self-defense and because I wanted to be done with the OC). Actually, I cannot even follow the motivations these characters had, they felt so contrived. The henchmen? I think they were well-written... some of them. I liked the bard and the rogue in the OC, but for SoU the henchmen suck in this regard. I mean, there were some colourful stories you got to hear. Did NWN2 really screw that up? I'll have to find out on my own, because I have received a ton of mixed reviews about this game. I actually like NWN1, but I have been spoiled after playing newer Bioware games (and games from other developers) that have made improvements on the NWN model. OE would be taking a 5 year step backward if they did worse than NWN OC.
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