"I mean,"- A poem by Blank
Do whatever makes you feel good. We'll all die someday, so why not live it up? Drugs, sex, whatever. I don't care if it is wrong or if I die sooner, as long as I feel good.
I mean, you should do your best to live a long, healthy life, doing your favourite things, contributing to society, helping others, finding the love of your life, having kids, living life to its fullest.
I mean, I personally prefer to be shot and killed rather than live another day.
I mean, if the opportunity presented itself, I'd try my best to stop a maniacal shooter because it would create a situation where my death would be acceptable to most people around me.
I mean, if the opportunity presented itself, I'd try my best to stop a maniacal shooter because it is the right thing to do. I hope I'd be selfless and sacrifice my life.
I mean, life is great. Get body armour to protect your valuable, meaningful, wonderful life!
I mean, I'm only here right now because I believe God doesn't want me to take my life. Otherwise, life isn't worth it in my eyes. "Cruelest dream: reality."
I mean, you guys are being insensitive, especially after what happened at Virginia Tech.
I mean, life is precious, and you are all privileged and blessed, so make the best of it!
I mean, life sucks and I wish I was one of those people at Virginia Tech.
I mean, guns being legal are the problem here.
I mean, deranged lunatic outbreaks once in a blue moon are the problem here.
I mean, hundreds of people don't already die every day from starvation, we should definitely pay attention to the deaths at Virginia Tech and pay no attention to other deaths on a larger scale.
I mean, this could happen to you!
I mean, I want this to happen to me!
I mean, this kind of thing is preventable. Had society been kinder and accepted this poor, lost soul, the incident would not have occurred.
I mean, nobody could have prevented this tragedy, nobody could have known.
Teh Edn.