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Everything posted by Blank

  1. Maybe in happy magical fantasy land, but the real world tells a different story. It's full of men who want nothing to do with the kids they've concieved And if you don't want said babies, you can abort them or give them up for adoption! You may be morally[/i] opposed to abortion, but that won't impact of the decisions of those who don't believe it is a problem. The stuff of fantasy. A world in which people always stop to think about whether they want children before they have sex, and people who automatically care for any and all children they concieve, may be a world you want, but it's not reality, and thus not relevant. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree. We win!
  2. I say the action is wrong. I'm not imposing moral judgment on anybody. I morally judge the action. I wasn't aware that it was wrong to morally judge actions. I don't think you are any more of a sinful person than I am. To impose is "to put or set by or as if by authority." I have no authority. I cannot impose anything in reality. And "as if by authority" in this case means I get to choose how I want to think (I guess I have the authority to do so), but everyone imposes their ideas when stating opinions as much as I do when I say something about abortion. Are people not entitled to their opinion? Or is it imposing to do that?
  3. Care and nurture is simple? Spoken like a true man! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thank you.Perhaps I should have said, "With care and nurture that is normally given to a fetus." But I just took a shortcut and said, "Simple care and nurture." I consider the machine to be giving care and nurture that is normally given to a fetus. I think from conception whatever it is is a life, a human life. If you want to kill it, I can't stop you. It isn't my job to be moral police in people's lives. I consider it wrong, but I also consider other things wrong, yet people do those too. My thinking it is wrong doesn't affect you in reality. I am not going to condemn you or anything like that. If a woman gets raped and didn't want a baby and it turns out that the baby will have sickle cell anemia, and the mother can't afford the baby let alone herself, since she lives on the streets and barely gets by with enough food, but somebody offers her funding for abortion, I am not blind as to the alluring sound of an abortion in that case. I still think it is wrong, however, morally. It'll still happen though. I can think something is wrong while you think it is right and we can all function very well in life, right? There's no quarrel here at least. But if you want to convince me to change my mind, you will find it very very very difficult, and I might say futile. It's probably the same thing with me for you though, but I'm not trying to convince you of anything other than show you what I think and what that means.
  4. I don't know. I think a person naturally would have feelings to care for a baby though, if it was conceived. I'm not saying he is or isn't. Sexual desire seems natural to me. There are consequences to sexual actions though, and one of them is babies. People must take this into account when their passions are screaming. It happens in nature, if that is what you mean. To connect this to the topic, abortion doesn't happen in nature. Depression happens naturally, but I don't think God intended people to get depressed when he made them (people shouldn't want to die when in perfect health. According to experts depression is a chemical imbalance. Imbalance implies there is a balance that takes place in most people who aren't depressed. Although, to treat depression there is more than just putting the balance back with drugs of course). I think post-natal depression is pretty treatable too, though ugly while and when it occurs.
  5. Does it not sound like a joke? Also, I didn't say anything about a fetus. I said something about a sperm cell. But I'll still respond. I don't know if it is medically possible yet for a fetus to become a person once removed from the mother's womb. The point is that one doesn't naturally remove a fetus from the mother's womb. If you let a fetus run its course, it will become a person. Once the baby is out of the mother's womb, is it not natural for the mother or somebody to give care to it? Is it not instinctual? It seems like all around the world, from the tribes of Africa to the Eskimos of Nunavut, this phenomenon takes place: care for the baby. Naturally running the course, a fetus seems to become a person. If that is all wrong, please inform me. I don't want to think human instincts are one way when they are actually the other. This all might be beside your point though, if you were making one in asking your question.
  6. I won't pity you either.
  7. Are horses people? I submit that they are not. Can a sperm cell alone become a person with simple care and nurture? I submit that it cannot. See here, we can't have people throwing around sperm and egg cells without thinking of the ramifications. And as we all know, those who are irresponsible with their sexual organs are also irresponsible with their taxes. And that causes the rest of us to have to pay more taxes while they are out there making babies and then killing them the day after.
  8. Yeah, but you wouldn't abort your right hand, right? So how much less a potential human life for you to brainwash into being your right-hand man?
  9. I won't pity you if that's what you want.
  10. Has anyone played this game? I want opinions. Talk to me people. Edit: Nintendogs. What a name...
  11. Thank you. We'll certainly have to take this new information into consideration. Anyone else?
  12. To add my opinion, I recommend Samurai Champloo. I also like Bleach a lot. Eureka 7 is alright. I enjoyed Full Metal Alchemist, and Trinity Blood seems really good. Ghost in the Shell is cool. Obviously my only exposure to anime is from Adult Swim.
  13. If you have any more ideas, feel free to share them. Or if you chose the "share below" option, go ahead. I just was in a curious mood, and wanted to say, "What a baby is alive?" Which is a funny way of saying, "When is a baby alive?" That question, however, can be considered to have little or much significance on the question of whether abortion is right or wrong. Which is why I am not asking that question.
  14. True. But you know I knew that option wouldn't win too. So I must've been talking about the option that would take course.
  15. A, if only because everyone already chose B. Let's have Jink swipe up his money and the deed before he and Ms. Surreptishus take off though.
  16. The casino has other enemies than Jink. There has to be a card counter somewhere that will help him get his money back. Have Jink ask a random person on the other side of the casino who was the biggest winner ever in Hiloxian Black Jack, and press further until he finds out who was the biggest winner, but whose winnings were revoked due to suspicion of card counting. It's about time Jink ditched Ms. Ramone too. There are other pretty ladies and she is just a wishful thought holding him back. He can always make a living with his bow hunting skills anyway. In the meantime, I recommend we have the character find this famous card counter by whom he can be trained, and then try to salvage some of his dignity by getting the money back and hoping the land-deed isn't cashed in. Edit: That's a B by the way.
  17. B. We should leave with style. This place is starting to smell like a wet floknox anyway.
  18. Pixies' latest, original Choose-Your-Own-Adventure thread got me thinking, were you guys ever fans of the books and stuff when you were younger? I remember reading one that was lying around when I was a kid. It was about a group of students who went on a field trip to a maritime research center, when a tsunami suddenly strikes. If I remember correctly, I enjoyed it.
  19. We'll find out at least a few rules anyway before we lose. I choose A.
  20. What'd you say, Pixies? I didn't read any of that.
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