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Bulgarian Jedi

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Everything posted by Bulgarian Jedi

  1. That Bastila picture is great, Hildegard! It would be wonderful to see the full version of it.
  2. Force Scream works nicely too.
  3. I think it is better this way.
  4. Great work, Julian. Keep it up!
  5. Yes, I got those guys. (w00t) A male sith officer with the Handmaiden sond set- ???????? It seems that the Handmaiden voice set is used a lot. I like the Handmaiden/ Atrs Fight: -This will teach you! - No, this will teach you! -Aahh! -Aahh! I have also encountered Disciple or Atton's voice sets somewhwere.
  6. Nooo, the gizka are the True Sith!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> like the little white lab mice.... they are watching, waiting, lurking.... they will be ready to strike when we let down our guard :ph34r: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, just like Palpatine
  7. Back on the topic-The romancing in K2 IS hopeless. I gues it is related to the influence. I had no idea whom was I having romance with. I had Maximum Inf with Both Handmaiden and Visas and I was REALLY confused. Well, in K2 you have a choice for a romance option, unlike k1( I seriousely doubt that many people prefer Juhani over Carth/Bastila). As I see it the mostly human crew in K2 gives you more romance options and in here it is better than K1's mixed crew.
  8. Yeh, also concide+40 for seeing Anakin burn (-90 for Obi-Wan not gutting Annie <_< ) +15 for Palpatine as A REAL villain
  9. Nooo, the gizka are the True Sith!!!!
  10. Ahhh, it's a swarm. Help, help!! Alt+f4, Alt+f4!! Somebody, Help!!!! Ctrl+Alt+Del!!! Restart, yes, restart. Die, die ,die!!
  11. There was a hilarious comic about that here somewhere. About the poll-An absorbation power would be nice, but I voted for the"who gets the Exile" thing. "
  12. Yes, I agree. You should look more sinister with DS, but what we have in K2 is rediculous and out of control. Have the disigners heard that less is better sometimes.
  13. Just for the notice K1 had a lot of cut content too( one whole planet and lots more), but they did a good job eliminating it.
  14. I like both to be honest.
  15. Also REALLY overrated: Hollywood INCREDIBLY underrated: Theatre
  16. Overrated: The Dark Side of The Force Underrated: The Light Side of The Force
  17. Hehe! Nice.
  18. Atris with a vengence???? Does anybody know how much is actually cut from the game? I have read somewhere here that Atris had a party mamber portrait and some other things. So in reality a optinal party member/endgame boss was removed?
  19. Ohh, how I hate this "True Sith" thing. I hope that the morale of KotOR III will be that there are no true Sith and no Sith Empire, and that as long as there is darkness and haterid within ourselves, the sith will always live and battle the light.(and being defeated)
  20. Everyone looks worse with the dark side "taint". That is the whole idea of the Dark Side and everyone should look REALLY rotten (because they are rotten in the inside, of course )
  21. I agree with most, master pendak, but why do you think a smaller party would be better? I think the best idea is to have some core party members, and the rest should be alignment dependant. ( no gender dependance, please) About the Revan/Exile options. I think their alignment should be more important than the gender. Still, the most important things have to be the story and the characters. K3 has to give a lot of answers to the plotholes in K2.
  22. Do you really think DS is easier? I can't belive that some puny jedi masters can be a challenge. (They won't be a challenge for even G0T0, actually) Anyway the game is too easy on both LS and DS.
  23. Hehe, my Wow playing friends are just going to love this.
  24. G0t0 was made by T0g0 ( get it? ) Seriousely, probably G0t0 was an old series droid with a malfunction.
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