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Bulgarian Jedi

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Everything posted by Bulgarian Jedi

  1. About your dialog question. I didn't realy play darkside becaues I was lazy. As far as I know your alignment determines the end of the game, so right before my fight with Kreia I typed the cheat code for maximum dark side points. I the end I got the dark side end movies, I figured that I had tricked the game. I started a new game recently to hear some of the new dialoge( I read somewhere here that Atton says "Are you an angel" to the female Exile). Well, I didn't get anything new when I met Atton, so I quitted the game. Is there such a dialog? Or I have a problem with the game? Anway, I discovered that your Charisma indeed increases your influence quite a lot. Because of that Mandalore, Hk-47, and G0t0 constantly change their alignments
  2. I have to say Kreia, because the Atris charecter was really badly done. The worst of all is that Atris had a lot of potential. I mean all she does is sit in the Telos academy all day and nothing more. Her share of the stroy is quite small and her presence in the game is almost futile. There was a lot of concept for Atris, but because of reasons we are all aware of a party member/endgame villain/a good character got wasted and was turned to the pathetic character we see now. I voted for her because of that, and maybe becaues I pitty her. P.S. The only person that is more screwed than her is poor Darth Nihilius.
  3. I have noticed something about party members achieving light/dark mastery. My party members were on 99% light from a really long time, so I used cheat codes to get the maximum amount of light side points. The character got the sign "light mastery +3 con", but the constitution and vitality points were unchanged. The same thing happened with all my jedi party members(including Kreia :D ) and there was no change in the attributes. The same thing happened with dark side mastery. The only time when the mastery actualy gave the bonus it was suppose to give, was during the jungle expedition on Dxun, but the only character that recieved the bonus was the leader(Mira in my case). By leader I mean the person you have set as the leader back in the Mandalorian camp. Changing the party leader with the "tab" key did absolutely nothing.
  4. A good way to make the game challenging is to set the Exile's Intelligence to 18 or higher and modify only that attribute, fight unarned, and wear no armour.
  5. The Carth picture was good, but somehow it reminds me of Canderous. Anyway, welcome ot the forums.
  6. Good carth and atton pictures
  7. The whole Malachor was way too easy. From the first Storm Beast to Darth Sion and Darth Traya. It looked good enough to be the final level of the game, but it is nothing compared to the Star Forge.
  8. The robes are the BEST!! The dancer outfit is the second best thing!! " (w00t) (too bad the female PCs are unable to get battle precognition so they can wear the outfit all the time )
  9. The city of Iziz looks quite silly in my opinion, while the Sky Ramp is really dull and badly designed. Anyway, the Royal Palace is the WORST designed level in the entire game, hands down!!
  10. I agree. Bao-Dur was a great. His voice didn't bother me much, but I hated that he spoke SOOOO low. However, I see no reason for him not wearing robes.
  11. I don't have a favourite character. I like most of them. The one I don't like is GOTO. The one I hate is Hanhar . Anyway, I gave my vote to the Disciple. I can't understand why does everyone hate him so much? Sure, he is no match for the Handmaiden, but this is no reason for hating him.
  12. Vrook: A good Jedi Master- YES The best Jedi Master- DEFINITELY NOT
  13. Revan+Exile v/s Darth Vader+ Emperor Palpatine Bastila v/s Darth Maul Canderous(Mandalore) v/s Boba Fett Canderous(Mandalore) v/s Hanhar Yoda v/s DARTH Revan HK-47 v/s a Droideka Hk-47 v/s R2D2 Qui-Gon Jinn v/s Vrook Obi-Wan v/s Darh Sion
  14. GOTO:Annoying dark sided expert droid. No match for T3-M4. Has an interesting story, but influencing him is a boring process.
  15. I expect ot see good art works like the ones already posted here? :D What kind of art did you think I would be asking for? :D
  16. I am quite new here and I haven't read trough the whole 64 pages. I want ask how will the new content mod be released? I know that modding is "download file X in folder Y"(I can be wrong, of course). Because there are a lot of files, the process won't be that simple. To me the most likely way is the content to be released as a patch. Is this the way you are going to release the cut content, or will there be another way?
  17. The art I see here is really, really good. I hope there will be more.
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