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Bulgarian Jedi

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Everything posted by Bulgarian Jedi

  1. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know which God I am. That quiz won't open.
  2. Good thing there are other people who got the Mystic Theurge result. I thought I was the only one. By the way, how do you post images here?
  3. All enemies should use more tricks and force powers(if they have). In K2 Kreia and maybe Sion had Force Crush, but didn't use it once. What is the point of having if not to kill ME??
  4. One time when I set him fly with a thremal detonator, he landed hear a mine and a second after he got up, he stepped on it and died.
  5. FAorce Valor also increases your defence. As it increases your Dexterity your defence is also increased with one or two points.
  6. I think if your character will appear on the front screen if you choose Sith Lord. Also, the marauder is not a bad choice.
  7. That Kreia picture is quite good.
  8. Well, I didn't need a second melee monster. My Exile was enough.
  9. It is better that those files were left in the game discs. At least, they can be restored.
  10. I wish I had a more creative answer than just saying G0T0, but the truth is that it is G0T0 that is the most useless character of all. Hanhar goes second. HK-47 wasn't quite useful either.
  11. Somewhere in the cut content Master Vash(I think) tells you that this bond is a clever manipulation of Kreia. But this answer just raises more questions rather than explaining old ones.
  12. Do you mean the voice-locked door on Peragus II, Battlewookiee?
  13. Huuuh, does this have to do with my previous answer. What I ment back there was that Hanharr went flying from al my thermal detonators . The last two tings were for the joy of the player(me). ^_^
  14. Mystic Theurge 47% Combativeness, 29% Sneakiness, 88% Intellect, 55% Spirituality Brilliant and spiritual! You are a Mystic Theurge! Score! You have a prestige class. A prestige class can only be taken after you
  15. Well, yes. I ment all-party buffs(a buff casted bu one character affects the whole party). The only such buffs are; Force Valor, Energy Resistance, Battle Meditation, and maybe Inspire Followers. Force Barrier and Force Immunity affect only the one who has casted them and no one else. So turning that useless Revialise power into a ALL-PARTY buff that raises vitality and defence, for example, is a good idea.
  16. Don't believe what you read in some comics and just let your immagination flourish- Visas with eyes, Darksided Luke, the gizka being the real Sith, and whatever YOU like.
  17. For crazy fun and brutality just use adhersive greandes or parallysis darts+LOTS of thermal detomatros and other types of grenades and to make the fight even more interesting, don't level Mira up and equip her with the dancer outfit.
  18. As for you comments that some things in the game were absurd I say that first it is fiction and second in that fiction the Force is a reasonabe example for Everything impossibe and unlogical on the planet Earth.
  19. In my opinion that power was pointless and quite useless. Why don't they change it with a new all-party buff that will make characters more hard to kill instead of resurecting them?
  20. Doom movie, Halo movie.... What's next? Half-Life???? Sarcraft??????????????? KotOR???????????????????????????????????????????????
  21. Both places are interesting, challenging, and very, very long. I prefer Taris because Peragus II is way too empty and repetative. Also the atmosphere of Taris was much better.
  22. It will be much better to have choice characters depending on your alignment. If you don't like some party member, than simply don't use him/her.
  23. Yes, I agree with you. There have to be such dialoge options mith other characters.
  24. Titanic was generally a good movie. Still, I hated Mr. Pretty Boy and every single tragic scene went into the background when I saw Leo sinking to the bottom. Although I was made sad from the tragedies, I was qute happy when he sank.
  25. Well, of course they will never be as a lightsaber, but that doesnt mean they have to suck so badly.
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