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Everything posted by CoM_Solaufein

  1. Here in the States violence is ok but perish the thought of seeing nudity.
  2. Such an intelligent topic. A Jedi doesn't rely on just their lightsaber, if an EMP weapon could do anything against it. They have their Force powers to take care of any threat to them.
  3. Here's to looking forward to the Restoration Project. :cool:
  4. Now, on the subject of Necrophilia, when I first saw Kreia I thought she was cute, in a disturbing, bitter, old woman, sort of way. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Older woman have more experiance I guess.
  5. A lot of fans out there for those good old 2D games. I prefer them over 3D games myself.
  6. i almost died from boredom in K1 when you ran in the water in the environment suit... but then i saw this horribly lame cutsene in which a guy in another suit got snatched up by a shark, and i couldn't stop laughing <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I hated Manaan and that part mostly. You bounced around at a slow rate. Yawn.
  7. He was another good Jedi master that didn't deserve his fate. He seemed like he was always on the Exiles side.
  8. Jolee. My favorite line I get when you talk to him "I hate you old man".
  9. I never saw any use for Hanharr. I'd rather have Mira.
  10. You Saw Bastilla on the front cover of the first one and fell in love?
  11. I like TotJ myself. I don't care for any of the books or comics after SW Return of the Jedi.
  12. Lonna didn't know her that well but she didn't seem to be the type who loathed the Exile. She didn't deserve to die alone on Korriban.
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