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Everything posted by CoM_Solaufein

  1. Smells like lockdown. This thread will have a short useless life.
  2. Yes no tv series. It would probably end up as some lame cartoon.
  3. Sacrifice Visas? That's just evil, even if you are playing darkside.
  4. Purple, red, and blue are colors I'm fond of with the lightsaber.
  5. Death to Goto, Hanharr and Disciple. Totally useless.
  6. Good to hear. Just work on the cut content.
  7. I saved before I talked to her just to see what that bad dialogue option lead to. Lets just say I reloaded the game, a giulty conscience came over me.
  8. I thought it did regardless of what alignment. You could destroy Malachor or assume control of it.
  9. A phrase from FDRs time, "Happy times are here again."
  10. Somebody doesn't know their temperatures I see. "
  11. Fahrenheit. Still cold if you ask me.
  12. A Western RPG? Sounds good since I like Western movies.
  13. Nothing about Canada is America. Some day we may assimilate them, but not now. Too many damned French Canadians.
  14. In the Super Mario games he had good jumping ability but was slow in other areas like picking up mushrooms.
  15. I like playing through the entire game, side quests plus the major quests. I'm an experiance points freak.
  16. Actually I think he's been leaving his blasters all over the place in K2.
  17. Munchkin is slang for a ultra powerful character, item or whatever. Something godlike.
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