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Everything posted by CoM_Solaufein

  1. The good thing about armor is it fits nicely on a female Exile as she is running in the game. But I prefer robes so I am not restricted by what Forces powers you can use.
  2. I want my character to look cool in a hooded robe like young Darth Vader.
  3. No love the the little kid. But at least he grew up to be someone great.
  4. I'm kinda lost since I need more details. Is this card a newer one? Is it older? Is your computer an older or newer model? Some older cards won't have expansion slots on the motherboards and older motherboards won't have expansion slots for the new cards. AGP PCI PCI Express ISA Are examples of video card expansion slots.
  5. Ahh yes. Has it been mentioned we would like to have hooded robes. "
  6. I'm happy playing an elf. What's with people these days??
  7. I liked Tiberian Sun but when I installed the expansion Firestorm it kinda screwed the game up. Not a bad install, I just didn't like it after that. Stupid hard quests I think is what killed it for me.
  8. Revan. I would like to see the (LS) Exile get the spotlight because his/her story would be interesting. It would seem they had a guilty conscience after all the deaths that happened at Malachor, which is why they exiled themselves from the force and civilization as well. I like stories about fallen heros.
  9. They need to make the bloody thing for the pc. The first one looked interesting but I didn't buy it because it wasn't for the pc. A lost sale for them.
  10. The only reason I would agree with that is it makes him look ugly. I don't know who looks worse darkside him or Atton.
  11. Bioware Black Isle Studios Blizzard Westwood Troika
  12. Yep, yep. God, I loved that game. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> One of the best RPGs ever made.
  13. The prequels would have been so much better without Jar Jar and that poor choice for young Anakkin in the first movie.
  14. The best thing about pre SW movie time periods is it's unexplored territory which gives writers more liberty on what to write about. They can create new characters, worlds, species and the freedom to pick what time era to place all of this in.
  15. Can't be cruel all of the time but it feels good once in a while.
  16. Removing a certain organ would be the ultimate darkside act.
  17. Well at least they can't "accidently" shot you in the back.
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