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Everything posted by CoM_Solaufein

  1. Nihilus was a push over which is sad. You would think that someone who looks cool like he does and has this great power would put up a better fight.
  2. Disciple fits the tag of annoying than useless. "
  3. Can't have too many of these K3 confirmed threads now can we,
  4. They should have blown that tuna planet up instead of Taris. Vaporize the oceans watch the little fishy dry and die.
  5. Use the console command or use a character editor to get into the game. It is a decent weapon.
  6. Think of the laughs that could be had with the banter of a evil HK like droid and a sissy droid like C3-P0.
  7. Manaan sucked. No underwater no damned fishes. More planets like Dxun or Onderon.
  8. HK-47. They should have had a droid like him in SW.
  9. Lucas needs to keep his damn hands off the originals unless he is going to put in cut scenes. I really don't care for alterations of the film by adding in crap or taking stuff out.
  10. Anakin doesn't need a personality, he's evil and corrupt. What more do you want?
  11. Don't forget the obligatory pantyshots. Damn fine idea. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Revan and Exile. No wonder Revan put her in a high station in his command.
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