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Everything posted by CoM_Solaufein

  1. I have Guild Wars but haven't the time to play it yet.
  2. Jar Jar. Very annoying in speech and action. He ruined EP1 for me.
  3. When you can play through the game without looking at cheat guide. When you know what a NPC will say before they say it.
  4. I like the Jedi Civil War and the time period of Tales of the Jedi. Hard choice to make.
  5. Carth had some issues, he whibed like a little girl too much. I prefered Female Revan with Bastila myself.
  6. Kotor 2. Playing DS to the max. Doing all DS quests and dialogue options. Unfortunately I'll have Hanharr in the party.
  7. Bastila. I like every thing about her. Visas is good I like her voice.
  8. Getting back on topic instead of talking about stupid consoles. No amnesia or suddenly regain the use of the Force stories. It's been done try something new. You could start out as a padawan during the Revan and Exile time period. No random loot of try and make it smarter. We don't need a dozen Bindo Bands or Exar Kuns armor.
  9. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wonderful pictures of Aayla.
  10. Anyone that wears orange spandex needs to be put out of their misery.
  11. Only a neutral Jedi would concern themselves with balancing the force.
  12. It snowed early this year but it melted away two days later. Snow sucks.
  13. Wow didn't know she was a babe. Wonder if she's a real red head.
  14. I felt guilty doing that to. But I didn't do the killing, I made Zaalbar do it. "
  15. But in the end they all became one with the Force, which is their goal. So really they all died happy. :ph34r:
  16. The problem with art and tha character models in the game. Atris looked fine as art work but she is not so hot looking in the game. But Bastila is an exception to that. Plus she has a wonderful voice.
  17. I liked the music for both of the games. Jeremy Soule did the first Kotor and I've been a fan of his since IWD.
  18. Modding is easy once you get the hang of it. Way back when (BG1) I made items for the game and when BG2 came out I made a couple of mods. I'm currently working on two npc mods.
  19. Mira. She already out smarted Hanharr before. Plus if she is Jedified she'll be even more dangerous.
  20. Keep them far away from sharp instruments. If you don't "satisfy" them, you may wake up one morning finding something missing below the waist.
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