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Everything posted by CoM_Solaufein

  1. I liked it for the most part but there were some issues. Bao-dur was hard to gain influence since it was hard to get a convo out of him. Mira was another one that seemed hard to gain influence with.
  2. Hmmm didn't know that. I'll have to pay him a visit when I play a game where I chose Vaklu over the queen.
  3. Yeah i saw it shortly after I posted that comment. Atris the ice queen could have an attitude adjustment.
  4. Nar Shadaa, Dxun+Onderon, Dantoonie, Korriban. Works for me without flaws.
  5. The hotel was the best part. The scary ambient music and the story of it was excellent.
  6. I roleplay according to my pc's alignment. What good is roleplaying if you break out of character? You're lawful good but you go on a killing spree nuking a village of farmers who did nothing to anyone. The reason you did it was to get experiance points and treasure. Play evil, thats not LG.
  7. A good Middle East is one that glows in the dark above Earth's orbit.
  8. Drizzt, your typical do gooder hero with no flaws. Munchkin.
  9. Frag the whole Middle East, end of problem and other related problems. Too bad we won't have oil, but that's what Alaska and the North Sea is for.
  10. Heather has a fine body for a nerd. I always made sure that she wore her panties only around the apartment.
  11. Poor weaklings. How unworthy to be a Jedi.
  12. The Rakata homeworld. Nice ocean to swim in, see the moons above and the remains of their cities in the background.
  13. He rulz! Plus he has those neat little action figures he's playing with.
  14. This poll is flawed and sexist. I won't vote but I certainly nominate Vrook for it.
  15. More detailed influence system. If you have an npc that is ls but you go ds and make that npc ds, than their dialogues should show it. They should praise you for killing the innocents who got in your way not condemning you for it.
  16. Risk. It's just like the board game, has different scenerios you can play as well.
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