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Everything posted by CoM_Solaufein

  1. Level 99 just like Diablo. That's for those power gamers out there.
  2. Being ignorant of the fact is irrelevent. Be careful next time.
  3. Yoshimo's class gave it away for me, bounty hunter. Plus he asked a lot of nosey type questions.
  4. Good old PR. At least it's not like Vietnam where you shoot only when you have been shot at first.
  5. At times I wish America would stop being the "good" guys for once. The glory days of Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great warfare.
  6. Elimination of church would be preferable, but yes, keep religion out of the public school systems. The Big Bang Theory is how the universe was created, not some "intelligent" design by some greater being.
  7. Total elimination with extreme prejudice. Works for me.
  8. Well one can have sex without it becoming a romance. "
  9. Bioboards are slow, too much graphics, and they have too many forum nazis. I quite agree with this.
  10. I miss that option from K1. Sometimes I feel like being lazy and would rather take the easy way back to the ship than walk all the way back.
  11. Malak was a buffoon who couldn't use the Star Forge to it's full extent, he was a coward that decided to try and kill Revan from a distance, his logic was flawed and he had Darth Bandon as an apprentence.
  12. Anakin is the perfect example on why Jedi should not get involved in a romance.
  13. A more intelligent random loot generator. How many bloody Carth Blasters did he have out there? Exar Kun must have got around and left his armor all over the place.
  14. I loved doing that. One crispy human coming right up.
  15. I would play solitaire, not on the pc but cards, before I would get a console.
  16. Of course not. Jedi are above such means as sex.
  17. Crusader. A good game back in it's day. I lost my copy of it and can't seem to find a place that sells it.
  18. Bioware forums are dreadfully slow and annoying.
  19. She's dead, game over, get use to it. Now go start a new game and let her live again.
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