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Everything posted by CoM_Solaufein

  1. Well the little green gecko missed a thread in the wrong place. Help me!
  2. To Revan venturing off to the Unknown Region. "
  3. Too many different damned stories/books/worlds when it comes to the X-Men.
  4. He promised to give him Jean Grey when they conquered the world. Or was that Scott Summers?
  5. Mira and Visas. Mira for being so dominate and Visas is so servtile.
  6. Angel got what he deserved for turning traitor on his fellow X-Men. But Apocalypse is that charming and influencial.
  7. Bastila Only Kate Beckinsale could pull it off.
  8. A shame all of the cool characters get little time in the movies. Good thing for comics though.
  9. Yep. Mister Sinister sends his Marauders into the Morlock Tunnels on a mission to kill everything. Great guy Mr. Sinister. His coolness is next to Apocalypse. AoA was another great story.
  10. Aayla was that blue Twi'lek in the newer SW movies right?
  11. I thought Carth said it was the Force that did that.
  12. He would have been more usefull compared to the combination of Hanharr and G0T0.
  13. I thought it was a reddish orange planet.
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