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Everything posted by Kurgen

  1. You're assuming everyone who uses this forum is not typing on a phone / tablet.
  2. I'm playing @ 2560x1600 with no issues at all. What problems are you referring to?
  3. Like I said, this problem exists outside of this website. I'm not stupid. And also, I wasn't aware this had been brought up before. Sorry if I offended you. I neither said nor insinuated that you were stupid. I did say, that on the Pillars of Eternity forums at least, it makes perfect sense to abbreviate it to PoE. You're expecting others to comply with your idea of what is "right".
  4. PoE is a perfectly sound, logical abbreviation for the game "Pillars of Eternity", whose forum you're on. I can't believe this is being dragged up again.
  5. The stackable items feature is a must, and very strange that it doesn't already exist, when you consider the number of identical items there are in the game.
  6. ...and the traps? If there was any kind of logic or pattern to their placement, then we could at least have a challenge on our hands, but as it is, we have to pad around ninja-fashion in order to not fry your entire team because we stepped on a.n.other brick that looks just like all the others.
  7. Jesus H... Why the feck aren't you lot playing the game instead of feeding this non-issue? For a week now people have been bleating about the patch being late, and now it's here, the forum's turned into a "What can we be outraged about now?" listing. *sigh*
  8. Precisely why I started regrowing mine the day after I stupidly shaved it all off in January.
  9. Umm, it takes me 20 seconds tops to go from clicking the icon on my desktop to moving my characters around. About 2 seconds to save using the 4 button on my mouse for "Save", part of that is selecting which slot I want to save it in requiring me to click several buttons and make a decision during this process. Which means perhaps it's your computer and not the game itself. 54 seconds here on a C2Q 2.6 / 8GB PC. Not exactly current spec, granted, but no slouch either. Lemme guess, you're using an SSD, right? No, my drives are actually damn slow with my current set up. I just formatted my drives and reinstalled Win7 last week. I have a new hybrid 2 TB seagate as my C Drive straight up. It loads slower now that before, must slower. But I had an older 2tb seagate as my drive partitioned. The partition for my system was tiny, and it used to boot up relatively fast compared to now trying to pull data from a system with 3 Hard drives and 4.5 TB of space between them. However, my processor and RAM, despite being 4 years old, blow yours out of the water. Quad Core 3.6 mzh with 16 gb RAM. Blows mine out the water? This isn't a manhood measuring contest, at least not in my mind. Did you even read what I wrote? C2Q - Core2Quad quad core, same as yours. Yes, slower clock speed, but that's less relevant when load speeds are largely determined by drive speeds, and I hate to burst your bubble of superiority, but a huge portion of your 16GB of RAM will go completely unused.
  10. Umm, it takes me 20 seconds tops to go from clicking the icon on my desktop to moving my characters around. About 2 seconds to save using the 4 button on my mouse for "Save", part of that is selecting which slot I want to save it in requiring me to click several buttons and make a decision during this process. Which means perhaps it's your computer and not the game itself. 54 seconds here on a C2Q 2.6 / 8GB PC. Not exactly current spec, granted, but no slouch either. Lemme guess, you're using an SSD, right?
  11. Why have I not tried to fix the problem? It was an assumption based on the fact that all you did was "wah-wah" and demand a refund. With nary a hint of you actually doing anything about it. Not exactly a stretch.
  12. It's the Metro... written to be ignored.
  13. I'd say "no", based on the distinct possibility that you're trolling, or if true, the likelihood that the problem lies with your computer, not the game. Given that you haven't even tried to resolve the problem, I'm going for the former.
  14. Dunno about that, but I have seen them heal each other or themselves, partially at least.
  15. More of a design faux-pas I'd wager. It surely can't be too difficult to make identical items stack.
  16. LOL... "These new players". I've been gaming for over thirty years, and the sneak-to-find mechanic annoys the hell out of me. I'm also of the "no encumbrance please" mentality. Stop demeaning people simply because your opinion differs.
  17. Eh? Not in mine. I can click and drag a specific item from the loot screen down onto a specific party member's circular avatar in the loot window, or I can do the same and drag it to the stash icon, or I can instruct the game to give all the found loot to either one party member, or chuck it all into the stash.
  18. "Laryy" doesn't like reading. /world is surprised
  19. They should not give in to that attention-craving, man-hating sociopath and her baying twitter minions. It's that simple. To compromise a product in any way at all, simply to appease this tiny minority of loudmouths is a slippery slope. It should be ignored, completely. What's more important Obsidian, a few sales, or your integrity?
  20. I'd be very happy indeed if the pet slot became an actual, functioning slot for amulet or cape. Oh yeah.
  21. As Lychnidos says, and you're trying to enchant an already "fine" item with one of the core constituent parts of the "fine" enchantment; "accuracy".
  22. Same problem here with the map in particular. Obviously if you're wandering around an area under or above ground in the dark, you wouldn't expect to see much, fog of war or not, but a map that's as dark as the one I'm seeing is of little or no use, and the only useful orientation devices are the little POI rhomboids.
  23. What baffles you about it? It's very much like a point of controversy that's plagued the Elite : Dangerous forums, where staunch "realism" freaks were up in arms about the potential introduction of an external ship camera, leading to all sorts of ridiculous "...but it would ruin my immersion!!!" excuses for not having it there, and the logical responses then flooded in... "Don't use it, if it bothers you that much!".
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