Freedom of press and freedom of speech are two things more sacred than any religious dogma. And as always, a person in Palestine or Germany has no say whatsoever of what is printed in a newspaper in Denmark.
I agree. Thats basically it, those who are offended by the cartoons have every right to feel that way and voice their objections as per the law of Denmark but in this case the guys took it way too far. Its down to the intent of the artist, did they draw the pics knowing it would irk Muslims? I guess it doesn't matter because the artist would have the right to do so.
A few years back Nigeria was set to host Miss World, in some Nigerian paper ther was an editorial which claimed in a jestful manner that the contestants would be worthy of Prophet Mohammed himself. The reaction? Huge civil unrest - riots and violence in Nigeria in outrage at the article. The contest was moved to a different country.
So it seems that there are muslims who take severe action if they feel they have been disrespected via opinion.