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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. That is a death threat!! 33 ain't exactly a spring chicken you know...
  2. Maybe its only licensed to one PC or he only has a "recovery" disc.
  3. Ok we are in agreement on that. I originally misread your statement on it. Upon reading it again this bit is confusing:
  4. US Immigration Facts and Figures Some charts and graphs illustrating the depth of the illegal immigration situation.
  5. ^Those are examples!! He isn't flaming or stuff! As for the age of star wars peeps, one of them is supposed to be in his or her mid 20's!!
  6. Hey, this poll is a lot better than some poll a while back that asked voters' ages but gave gave a narrow field of options - something like under-18 and over-18. So using the result of the aforementioned poll, I estimate the average age to be in the early twenties; I chose 21-22.
  7. It makes people really bloody lazy. Recently its been shown to have a greater link to onset of schizophrenia than previously thoyght.
  8. Thast what i read a while back. I'm hoping its changed since then.
  9. Oh, I think I know who you mean. Is it somebody that I particularly hate or is it somebody that is just easy to hate by everybody?
  10. Hmm... the recent fleet wars stuff almost makes wish I didn't uninstall Freelancer.
  11. har har har... Khomeinei is going to put a fatwah on you from beyond the grave
  12. I don't want to find out who dies. Even though I found out the possible candidates ages ago. I dleted that info from my brain. Btw I mean the character whose funeral is shown in the trailer. So please nobody spoil it here! Please!!??
  13. Thats Colossus! He can change his flesh to steel at will and becomes really strong too.
  14. Callisto doesnt usually have super-speed does she?? The actress who plays her is hot so all character inconsistency is forgiven.
  15. Northstar is gay and French isnt he? EDIT: Just checked and he is gay and French-Canadian!!!
  16. Sega hasn't been a leading anything since the days of Genesis/Mega Drive. Except maybe arcade games. *shrugs*
  17. A couple of weeks late in reply but its not really important. RE: Bad scans. Kaftan your "corrected" version doesnt look better, its still a bad but in a different way. Howver I will put it down down to you hastily PSing a scan in order to illustrate a point. In any case CDisplay has colour/saturation controls so one can compensate for any percieved flaws.
  18. Sometimes... The whole thing could be an allegory of gays struggling for equality and acceptance. At least thats what internet crazies would have us believe... what with Bryan SInger helming the first two films and "Fagneto" and "Kerbcrawler".
  19. The home version of Vista has been delayed till 2007. The professional/enterprise/whatever version is supposed to be released in Q4
  20. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! Makes sense now.
  21. LIES! :'( Well that sucks... were other people having similar problems with the controller?
  22. She was able to gasp: "Michael!" to which Jack responded: "Yeah, he is fine" and that was it.
  23. Libby dies. As she slips away Hurley takes his opportunity to climb on top of her and get jiggy - much to the horror, disgust and slight arousal of those present. Didn't see the preview. EDIT: TV.com says that next week is about Michael and what happened to him while missing. The following week looks like the finale and is about Desmond's time on the island.
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