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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. I didn't like the bad guys calling little girls "bitches"(it happens twice) in the movie. I thought it was a bit harsh. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dn't be such a baby One of them was a blue lady pretending to be a little girl. The other scene was a reference to a popular internet video, also kitty isn't so little. Vinny jones as Juggernauts may have had a bigger part if Matthew Vaughn has stayed on as director since Vaughn cast Jones especially for the role. The Morlocks presence in the film is apt in theory since the morlocks are all the ugly deformed mutants who would be prime volunteers for "the cure" but nothing was made of that.
  2. Somebody stole the pseudocookies from the pseudocookie jar!
  3. So Avi Arad says the next x-films wil be a Wolverine spin off and a film about a younger Magneto. However, given that the last stand did the opposite of fail at the box office FOX will probably want to make another X-Men film. I don't know how this will turn out seeing as Marvel will have it own studio now.
  4. What I would like to know is whether 47 can dress up as women now. Wait... is there a mod that can do that for the old games?
  5. I've tried downloading/installing this demo several times, it will not work. :angry: PS2 version it is. (stupid controller)
  6. Obviously some of those were filmed e.g. the trailer stuff. Was the other stuff filmed and then cut? Or did those scenes never make it off the drawing board? As for extended DVD wasn't there an Xmen 1.5 and/or 2.5? Fox might follow suit and release a 3.5.
  7. Psylocke was with spiky face boy when they entered the facility to get Leech. She came through the wall. Asian girl with purple streaks in her hair. Jubilee was probably one of the kids at the mansion. I'm guessing Omega Red was at the last battle as one of the many nondescript bad guys.
  8. Yeah like slipping on a banana skin and falling onto a stool.
  9. Wiki says Acetone (nail polish remover) will soften the glue. Also cold temperatures will make it brittle, so you could put the lock in a freezer for a few hours. Probably simpler to get a new one though. The keys whould come with it and the landlord should sort it out.
  10. Heh, actually I meant psylocke. Thanks for the link though, it cleared stuff up.
  11. Who was the asian chick with purple hair supposed to be?
  12. It was the manipulation of fire or lack thereof, he just shot out standard bursts.
  13. Mothie is keeping the spirit of TOMBS alive.
  14. The Grizzly Man. Werner Herzog's narration is soothing because he ahs a wonderful voice. The coroner and Treadwell's feamle friend that had the death tape just looked like they were acting.
  15. Real Alternative and QT alternative are the way forward. The originals are just horribly invasive.
  16. I don't like the way the film teased the audience by alluding to Days of Future Past with the danger room sequence and "in the not too distant future" <_< Other dislikes: Guy who played Angel looked too... y'know and he was a pointless character. Juggs and Colossus were under used. Mystique's "neutering". Snot nosed punk kid Pyro being Magneto's lieutenant. Pyro having nothing more than a fancy flamethrower. Lame DBZ style battle between Iceman and Pyro. Pointless deaths. The music. Also the Phoenix storyline should not have been touched for this film. Rant over...evreything else was good.
  17. Yeah... Rogue absorbed his ability for a short time. Thats why Colossus shakes his head afterwards as if he's been smacked. Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry on a Brit chat show last night - Wolverine films will be made. Hopefully now we'll see some real Logan as opposed to "comic relief/grouchy uncle" Logan like in X-Men 3. Also Berry seemed to have a positive take on the idea of more X-men films.
  18. scooby dooby doo where are u we've got some work to do now scooby dooby doo we need some help from u now come on scooby doo i see u pretending you've got a sliver you're not foolin' me 'cause i can see the way u shake and shiver u know we got a mystery to solve so scooby doo get ready for your act don't hold back 'cause scooby doo when u come thru you're gonna have your self a scooby snack that's a fact scooby dooby doo here are you you're ready and you're willin' [scooby] if we can count on you [beee]scooby doo i know we'll catch tha villain
  19. Hey tigranes where did you read that quote in your sig?
  20. I hope not, those kinds of twists suck because they are cheap. Maybe restricted to a a particular part of the island? 65+ days on an island beach? The crabs would have picked him clean. Naughty children are a handful. Whats weird about it? I thought he was just discombobulated from the explosion. When was charlie taken by the others? He was left hanging from a tree by ethan.
  21. I wasn't speaking in general. I was alluding to the effect used to make Magneto and Prof. X look 20 years younger for a flashback scene. It smoothed away the lines round the eyes and in many scenes it looked as if the same effect was being applied to Jean Grey. I was in no way casting aspersions on MILFs. EDIT: I have to disagree with Jags but I think that is mainly because IMO it fell far short of what it could have been... that and the crummy special effects and the .
  22. Jean is hot especially since Famke Janssen is in her 40's. I wonder if the CGI anti aging was used on her?
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