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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. haha libby died! Pointless dragging out though. So is The Pearl part of the experiment or outside of it?
  2. I did wonder about the point of announcing it so early. Not even worth mentioning as a placeholder unless there is some substance to be announced. Maybe management thought so too.
  3. Oh yes i forgot... the upper limit for cartridges appeared on the N64 where Ocarina was something like 32MB IIRC.
  4. Heh, I'm sold. I just hope there is a steady stream of games. For the downloadable games... where do they download to? I didnt see any specific mention of a hard drive. Whats was surprising and cool is that we will be able to download old genesis/megadrive titles too!
  5. Meh.. dont underestimate the effects of so called "soft" drugs.
  6. Sort out out Govt and infrastructure first. Worry about equality for small minorities later.
  7. I had a feeling you would say that. However, by the time December approaches I assume one would be able to pick up a 360+Oblivion for a discount price. Meh whatever, everybody likes what they like. Its just another option.
  8. You could be his friend.. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree with that.
  9. Quick! nobody post his death photos from Rotten.com!
  10. I'd say cos it sounds like [Lonewolf is] a usable chump! But that is because I am mean. Also its sickening to be chivalrous to a woman just because she is a woman. Plenty of nasty people out there that simply aren't worth the effort.
  11. Hades... jokes are not your fort
  12. which makes ^that a pretty pointless post...
  13. Oh right.. never mind then. just to re-iterate NINTENDO CONFERENCE IN A FEW HOURS!!
  14. Well if you wait till December you might as well buy a 360 and oblivion.
  15. More shocking than when we found out Hurley had a secret food stash? More shocking than when Sun was pregnant? More shocking than when Sawyer referred to Hurley as Jabba? Good sir, surely you jest?
  16. People sleep peacefully becasue they have comfortable beds.
  17. llyranor is almost a doctor! (w00t)
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