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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. I thought it might be some clerical error, deliberate or otherwise... but OE not being on the exhibitors list during the week of E3 struck me as odd.
  2. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place but I can't seem to find Obsidian Entertainment in the list. http://www.e3expo.com/exhibitors/exhibitor...=5&OrderDir=asc Nor can I find any reference to NWN2 via search or under Atari at the E3 insider site. http://www.e3insider.com/ So what gives? Has E3 just neglected to update their site? Or is Obsidan not going to be there?
  3. Yes, but would you be able to exercise that option? I'm thinking its more like fixing your interest rates for mortgage.
  4. I want a game where I conduct an orchestra!
  5. Oh wait.. you were talking about Link in Smash bros? I meant in teh GC version of Soul Calibur.
  6. Link has bombs... thats cheating. Oh yeah and arrows... which is also cheating.
  7. hey guys... remember when Eddo used to have that ex marine sig? Well I think its because he was discharged before training ended. I remember reading it in one of his posts here. I just thought that was funny.
  8. Thanks, that cleared a few things up for me but I still cannot shake the feeling that the effort and cost spent to take advantage of PhysX really outweighs the gain.
  9. I would agree... in a figurative sense.
  10. Linux for non games, Windows for games.
  11. yes, that beats the "getting toys" thing... hands down. Congratulations. EDIT: why on earth are you on teh internets and not consummating your marriage... repeatedly?
  12. Wait... all I see is more flying debris and the ability to make a mess with boxes. Am I missing the point of this PhysX card?
  13. The action scenes in MI3 are entertaining but they just seem to be for show rather than have any point to them. There is no plot to speak of and there is a point in the film wher it just seems to lose steam altogether giving way to a terrible ending. Then again... you might like it - plenty of explosions.
  14. Mission Impossible 3 - stupid, stupid film. Abrams is a rubbish director.
  15. If you suffer from schizophrenia then the answer is yes.
  16. You've said that already.
  17. That waht i thought too... I mean talk about not flattering. also the car looks average.
  18. Wow talk about a fish on a hook. GL has you all by the collective balls.
  19. Well the film is out soon so I thought i'd be vaguely topical.. oh and calax has the proper version - I felt I needed to counter that. Also why are you drunk and why are you wasting the buzz on a message board?
  20. There was a link to the actual "game" itself as well but alas it is lost in the bowles of the spam pit that is Obsidian Moderation. Seek it if ye dare but ye must be a fellow stout of heart and big of balls. Arrr!
  21. I love America and I am bigger than the world.
  22. The look isn't right. The backgrounds and landscapes are all realistic and then all of a sudden a big blue spiky blob appears.
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