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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. all i can say is hahahahahahahaha!
  2. I am hoping that Hades was actually referring to tabloid papers with his remark and not the BBC.
  3. What is "Physical Address Extension"? Also, isn't it great when every thing loads super fast on a new PC? *sigh*
  4. It seems as if Eko is inheriting Locke's role but now with religious zeal. Desmond was working as a german spy for a while... "
  5. Oooh good episode! Who laughed when Sawyer said he screwed AnaL? The Miss Clue and Others stuff was good. I hope all the mystery is more than just part of the experiment. Despite his naughtiness I don't want Michael to die... he's become interesting. Also is Locke actually Wolverine? That fast healing thing is cool. I'm guessing he ignored the funeral because he's still PO'd about the button being a joke. Lastly... if you are worried about spoilers don't read the thread before you've watched the most recent episode - I think thats fair enough.
  6. Yes, they have plenty of oil and natural gas... which is why they don't need a nuclear power programme. As for making tactical strikes, aren't all the facilities deep underground?
  7. CDEX
  8. QT alt is even more valued now that they force you to download Itunes with the official QT. I don't even have a bloody Ipod!!!
  9. That and the plentiful evidence of self harm, and the ear piercings and the complete lack of colour in the skin. EDIT: wasn't talking about you Mus... or was I? :ph34r:
  10. Yep, there is a limited "grace" period after you post, in which you can edit stuff if needed. Not sure how long it is... or what the point of it is though.
  11. Yeah the article was the first thing i read. It was your error that had me confused. So other than the "no regulation" thing, on what grounds are the telcos trying to come across as the good guys? Even without the counter arguments it seems like racketeering on their part.
  12. Right I get that now, the telecoms companies want more control of the internet. But erm SaveTheInternet.com seems to be anti telco.... Don'tregulate.org is obviously pro telco.
  13. For listening mp3 files yes. Its also very customisable.
  14. Wait... what happened to the original one with all the people?
  15. You have Cell Factor and a PhysX card???? Damn you must like poop money or something!
  16. To me, it seems that you yanks liked it more than us brits. *shrug* I thought it suffered from terrible pacing and swathes of pointless and self indulgent dialogue.
  17. The Wachowski Brothers? Well thats a sure sign of crapness - if its correct. I haven't found anything that mentions them being connected to the film. Also, KITT is the star of the show. As long as William Daniels does the voice then all is well.
  18. The wayans only did the first two scary movies. They effectively got lucky with the the first. The third was done buy the Naked gun/airplane people and it turned out ok as a result.
  19. Boredom and a morbid curiosity.
  20. Inside Man - Good Just Friends - Good Scary Movie 4 - Lame Date Movie - godayam!! what a horrible horrible excuse for a film.
  21. Don't apologise. It was a good episode. No, not storywise anyway... think of the coming film as an alternate timeline with the first two Christopher Reeve films as the background. I hope not. Smallvile is about Clark before Superman but it would be neat if he donned the costume in the Season 6 finale or something. Assuming nest season is the last of course... (it has to be, right? ) If it was cancelled we would have heard something earlier in the year. I'm guessing it will be a key show for The CW. With regards to story it looks like the writers are wrapping it up so iit looks like we are near the end. I'm hoping that the other heroes we've seen over the years will feature in next season helping to quell the pandemonium. However I have a nasty feeling everything will be resloved wuickly so that the usual boring teen angst can take place.
  22. Oh yeah the other possibiity was that the post count was artificially raised. For what reason? I don't know. If its true then it is truly plumbing the depths of lameness.
  23. That manuscript Sawyer was reading a few weeks back. Its a real book the author of which "was last seen boarding Oceanic Flight 815". Its obviously some tie in merch but apparently it will appeal to Lost fans.
  24. I think the old account was absorbed into the mod account, so that might have had an effect on the statistics.
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