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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. X-Men: The Last Stand. If you've heard about staying after the credits don't bother... its the yin to the yang of the final shot before the credits. Actually if you want to see the film at all, just wait for it to be on TV. Beast was good.
  2. Seen it... oh dear. Such a disappointing end to a promising franchise.
  4. Yeah now we get to see the others super giant secret fortress of evil.
  5. Meh... I'm not convinced its anything other than a superfical role for Libby.
  6. Going to watch in an hour, I hope I disagree with Dyan.
  7. Maybe it needs to be at magnetic north to pickup eM signals? Or maybe it needs to be at the opposite end of the world to be as far away from mag north as possible so the station can pick up magnetic signals without interference. *shrugs* Unrelated note.: I like how it seemed the Others were about to come clean regarding their facade and then suddenly "henry" shows up to creep everyone out.
  8. I would have thought Penny and Co. would land on the island at the end of season 3. Still hope desmond isn't dead.
  9. That would suck unless it was Shannon's dream and she wakes up to find Boone in the shower. Btw, are there any previews for next season?
  10. open it in MS Paint or similar and resize. Image hosting sites such as photobucket also offer options to resize pictures.
  11. Wait, who is being tested and by whom? Upon whose failure does the shooting depend? Also people who thought LOST was set in the future... duh
  12. you fell asleep? In that case you are not worthy of watching! I hope the people who might be dead aren't that way, especially desmond
  13. Isn't Kitty a kid in this film? Unless you were using "cutie" in the paternal sense...
  14. Harry Knowles from AICN didn't like it but I didnt read the whole review so as not to be spoiled. Doesnt really matter though as his reviews and opinions are consistently garbage and he is fat with ginger hair.
  15. Really? Someone typed up a paper and mentioned a YTMND fad or two and then "marked" it, took a pic and posted it as a YTMND? One of the less funny ones.
  16. I have a theory as to why TOMBS died.
  17. Ok, is it an acceptable answer?
  18. OH! OH! I know! My AIM nick is bloodninja
  19. 2 hour finale? Cool. I don't mind a break over the summer. This season has been hard watching with the super slow pacing, mostly boring plot and multitude of gaps in the schedule. However I might change my mind if there's a super awesome cliffhanger as opposed to a damp squib of a ...tease like last season. Also in real life AnaL has to serve more time! Haha!
  20. Cool! Now let me try another... Battlestar Gaylactica should totally be cancelled. *waits*
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