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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. *covers ears* lalalalalalalala Realisation that the only guy he's killed is the wrong guy + unfulfilled revenge now that he knows the real killer is still out there + symbiote = crazy spidey. So maybe harry osborn isnt a proper baddie but uses the goblin tech to lay the smackdown on black spidey (racist). Couple this with feelings that Parker has hurt MJ by going with Gwen (fat) Stacy as part of his bad side and this is the honourable motivation for Harry Osborn. Of course this covers up the secret revenge feelings. Meanwhile Eddie Brock prays to Jesus. So JC gives him the symbiote. THE END.
  2. The second clip was the end of a roughcut trailer with unfinished effects. Content wise its similar to the official trailer but with some extra stuff. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=58...3+trailer&hl=en
  3. Nice one Pop. Those are the first user posted screenshots I've seen here that are actually flattering to the game.
  4. Ok dawgs. This is the new Spidey 3 trailer. Its been out for a few days. However, this is something that Sony is trying to keep secret
  5. This person flew to Japan just buy the thing, because he couldn't wait several months. I mean...I love games and stuff...but not only did he pay for the expensive console, but for the expensive plane ticket. Hardcore game console fan or not...people are nuts. :crazy: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What makes that guy extra stupid and insane is that due to the region encoding and stuff he will have to get all his films and games from Japan. It probably not even compatible wrt to power supply either. HAHAHA!
  6. Rent the DVD, play it on your PC and take a screencap at the desired moment.
  7. This is the actual video for the song. Its about 20 years old. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GA1zCH0tvc
  8. Also, thanks for the bigger avatars. LC's avvie freaks me out 98% more!!
  9. Say Bush is successfully impeached and has to go, who are you (Joe American) left with? **** Cheney? Yeah that'd be great!
  10. Not that we saw. Ben and Juliet's pre-op exchange doesn't seem to indicate a prior meeting with Alex. On the other hand it does not exclude the possibility either.
  11. "Sheppard wasn't even on Jacob's list" "Jacob" rings a bell, but I am not sure. I liked the episode overall but the cliffhanger was rubbish... as in I don't mind waiting three months to find out what happens next.
  12. People who drink/use phone/knit while driving.
  13. Ok, thanks. I'm trying to guess how all this will manifest itself with regards to Bush's policy-making for the remainder of his term.
  14. I know, so then it could be said Bush shot himself in the foot (duh) by clinging to Rumsfeld. All those jobless Republicans have someone to be mad at now.
  15. Interesting point raised on Newsnight. If had Donald Rumsfeld had been given the boot well before the mid-terms, the Republicans may not have suffered so much. The reasoning being that it may have been seen a fresh start for the Bush administration. Btw, politically astute yanks, has a vice president ever been "forced to resign"?
  16. The best part of Freelancer is the online multiplayer.
  17. Yesss, we are Google, we are Surreptishus, we are... Surreptoogle
  18. Ahem... Belly button fluff consists primarily of stray fibres from one's clothing, mixed with some dead skin cells and strands of body hair. The rotting cells can create unpleasant odours. Contrary to expectations, belly button fluff appears to migrate upwards from underwear rather than downwards from shirts or tops. The migration process is the result of the frictional drag of body hair on underwear, which drags stray fibres up into the belly button. Women experience less belly button fluff because of their finer and shorter body hairs. Conversely, older men experience it more because of their coarser and more numerous hairs. Belly button fluff's characteristic blue-grey tint is likely the averaging of the colours of fibres present in clothing; the same colour as clothes dryer fluff.
  19. Don't forget the most important result: Schwarzenegger has won a second term as governor of Kuh-li-fawnia !
  20. What? WHAT?? you say this like its a good thing. New rules: Wear clothes while posting...
  21. Also: Being white and thus being unable to even hint at the slightest ethnic joke <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Kaftan hates ethnics! Its official! Kaftan is a fledgling white supremacist comedian!
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