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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. HIGH-FIVE!!
  2. I was typing out a an explanation about limited bandwidth before I realised the most probable reason - to prevent spammers from signing up.
  3. CIA says around 4% for defence.
  4. I didn't! I blamed my age!
  5. Well then hooray for Ebay!
  6. Heh, thats what I was thinking. Either the computer is not up to spec, he has a big dirty virus or something eating up processes or its a dodgy copy of the game... like maybe pirated.
  7. Yeah, I mean, I get where he's coming from... Superman|Jigga popping out of exile to save the world|rap game, and whatnot... but it's just so, uhm, nerdy. Like, I'd expect this kind of thing from Alternative-rap, cause those guys are, typically, huge effing nerds, and really, there's nothing less pimp|hustla|whatever than comic-books. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you being sarcastic?
  8. As far as "flipping" PS3s for profit what you propose is idealistic nonsense. Its anyone's right to do what they want with their own possessions. Eat it, sit on it, smash it or sell it at an inflated price. If someone is willing to pay four times the price then that is fair enough. As for those people that cannot afford a PS3? Who cares? Its not a necessity item anyway.
  9. I still can't believe he named his big comeback (or whatever) album after a freakin' comic book. Mos Def - Fear Not of Man. Mos Def - . <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, all comic book geek/rap fans will be giggling. I'll assume you are being funny and not explain the origin of the phrase "kingdom come". EDIT: That Mos Def video should be the official promo clip for the song.
  10. 0.1968s... on my umpteenth try... I am old and blind and deaf.
  11. Yeah, in your face american farming! I think its still illegal to use offal and scrotums from cattle, not sure though.
  12. Its because all sausages are made with the arses of animals. Beef arses were banned after the mad cow thing, so now there are no more beef sausages.
  13. Jay Z - Kingdom Come I like how the backing is a smartly broken up version of a much sillier song.
  14. I know the F4 film was lame but I think it would be neat if there was a Reed Richards cameo in Spidey 3.
  15. TBH I thnk my impression is based upon costs for domestic students doing undergraduate courses. I'm pretty sure British students have it better off in that way.
  16. All the Nordic countries at the top of the Economist study have relatively small populations compared to that of the UK and definitely the USA for example. Iceland (second in the list) has the a population of approximately 300,000 (around 1000 times less than in USA). So does population size have any bearing on the effectiveness of a democracy?
  17. Are you saying that tuition at american universities is cheper than in the UK? I always thought the opposite was true.
  18. Turkey sucks, straight up dawgs. Its a staple of Christmas lunches in England. I once cooked christmas dinner for my family just to prove to myself I hate turkey and I was right. Oerwinde's roast duck sounds tasteeee! I will try something like that this year.
  19. Lol, Butterfly Effect was like Donnie Darko for "special people". "like OH MY GAWD, he like totally changed time!!" Doesn't Donnie Darko have somewhat of a cult status? That pretty much excludes "overratedness."
  20. I actually wanted to find out about tuition fees and opinons of them in countries other than the UK. Hence the new topic to try and direct the response.
  21. So like, can we have a separate topic for university tuition fees?
  22. At the moment the officer suggest that only addicts involved in massive levels of crime would be eligible for the treatment, so is it not possible that addicts may start committing more crimes in an effort to get the free heroin?
  23. I think its because people need to be clear on which drugs they are talking about. I am not stating that there is any such thing as a "safe drug" but there is a scale, when taking into account addictiveness, physical and psychological long term effects and effects on wider society. Heroin is on an extreme end of that scale.
  24. Yeah, the main point of this idea proposed by the police officer is to curb the criminal aspects of addiction. Things such as robbery burglary and murder.
  25. Not being american, its hard for me to fully appreciate the pics, or at least the spirit behind them. Still they can be appreciated in their own right. About the last pic, are all the consoles a hint as to the platforms OE is developing for? "
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