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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Thanks. Except Muso?
  2. Cheers Kor. Its pretty weird watching him lose it on stage.
  3. Where? EDIT: never mind, I know where, I just thought I had changed the profile.
  4. Yeah, Happy Birthday Lou. Like Baley said , in essence these thread are lame but personally I think its a bit mean to deliberately not acknowledge birthdays of internet cohorts. It was also Nartwak's birthday a couple of days ago, so a belated Happy Birthday to him too.
  5. Is Michael Richards Jewish? Anyway by what you are saying it seems its ok to be racist if you are angry. So was Mel Gibson justified in his comments about Jews? As far as Chris Rock goes, could you point out an instance of him being racist towards white people in the same way as Kramer or Mel Gibson?
  6. Damn it!! I can't see the video!!
  7. I think Purgatorio is an Aussie... and possibly an evil language fascist!! Like metadigital!!
  8. Thats how its always been. At least this way we will get PS3s without some of the problems currently experienced such as the HDMI and resolution problem. As for the article, the loss leader model isn't new but $240 sure does sound like a good saving. By contrast I think it only costs MS $400 per 360.
  9. Hey, thats not true! I read your posts Pidesco. Who is your neighbour btw?
  10. This is a weird bot... its freaking me out man!!
  11. Playstation 3... so awesome its worth dying dying for!
  12. The aftermath is documented but we don't see why the cops were called - with regards to behaviour of the student. As for the taser, a report stated that it wasn't in "dart mode" where the whole body is paralysed but in "drive stun" mode. This gives a localised effect.
  14. Hey jorian, if D N was this Belladonna person, how would you react?
  15. Yeah Kor! leave him alone ya big jerk! :angry:
  16. High five to Baley for "breaking it down". ) LOL @ everyone else.
  17. Is Peace a science then?
  18. It may be that Lonewolf is referring to the minimum sentence of 6 years. I would share his sentiment in that it does seem an awfully short time for possibility of parole, even if the possibility is slight. However, given Lonewolf's previous views on crime and punishment it's more likely he'd be in favour of a punishment similar to that which is described by ast0creep.
  19. LOL, no. The recall was for their laptop/PC batteries.
  20. Dude... you might want to look a couple of posts up.
  21. Sorry, I cannot help you on your NWN2 problem. I do suggest that you post this request in the proper part of the forum, namely this thread: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=44648
  22. Thats wrong. http://nobelprize.org/
  23. Casino Royale. Well it is rather different to the usual Bond film like all the hype says. Daniel Craig is definitely a leaner and meaner 007 with depth. In some ways it reminded me of 24 with the gritty tone of the film. There's no Q, no gadgets, no bad puns or campness of any sort. Also be prepared for the middle act where it becomes a late night poker channel.
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