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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Umm... do you mean this one? http://techdigest.tv/2006/11/notepad_bug_in.html I didn't know about it.
  2. I would certainly hope so.
  3. I doubt the offer was genuine. So refusing it is a good thing.
  4. Doesn't Tru Calling move forward with time overall?
  5. Hmm, how do you mean? Are you doing a play based on the song? Oh wait... maybe you though this was the music thread. I guess that could be a subset of this thread. :crazy: Of course there is a third and altogether more unsavoury option.
  6. Yeah its probably somebody posing as her. Has to be.
  7. FWIW Hugh Jackman also doesn't sing in Swordfish or in The Prestige. I saw The Prestige last night... among other things it reminded me of some thread about teleportation.
  8. The classic gamepad is really just for the Virtual console. So one would be crippling oneself by trying to use it for a Wii game.
  9. I was eight years old when Star Wars came out ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was seven years old when I came out.
  10. I am LOLing at the comparison between Calax's fourth grade history and Muso's university course.
  11. For Science's sake! People will get back to you when they can! Or, if they can be bothered. oh yeah, I am listening to Veneer by Jose Gonsalez.
  12. Whats the final word on PS3's backwards compatibility with PS2 games?
  13. Wasn't it from a superhero suit dispenser? I remember something like that in a big crossover. Spidey's suit got damaged and someone told him to get a new one there, and that ended up being the symbiont. Also, there's way more symbionts out there. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yup, at the end of Secret Wars. Upon further research it seems there are too many symbiotes.
  14. Thanks. I think might have actually played Tapper or at least a Flash version of it. EDIT:Yep, I've definitely played it. Thanks for the link.
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Also somebody ban kaftan... now... please? :'(
  16. This (hopefully regular) feature is very cool. This week my favourite was Donkey Kong Retired. All the rest were great but I didnt get acouple of them... who/what are Tapper and Moogle?
  17. We need Calax. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wasn't referring to the origin but the one you stated is the cartoon version. Also we don't need Calax, no offense to him. I was making assumptions as my memory of the film is hazy. Could it be argued that he intentionally allowed the thug to die?
  18. Pet peeve: People that stand on the wrong side of escalators in Tube stations. Oh yeah, that reminds me of another pet peeve: London Underground.
  19. Oops, if you aren't familiar with the black suit storyline then that trailer was a big dirty spoiler. *penny drops*
  20. Yep, I've done all of those. In a single visit too. I guess the behaviour can be attributed to a specific thing. Seriously though, you need to chill... dawg.
  21. Yep, seems the clip was removed. Try the following link. Warning: plot spoiler:
  22. One of those requests can actually be fulfilled.
  23. As expected... PlayStation 3 hits 'grey market'
  24. Do you mean the Print Scrn button? IIRC that doesn't work on films. DVD applications usually have a screen capture function - like a little button with a camera. You should be able to determine where they are saved in the settings for the respective application. The default setting is usually somewhere in the application folder.
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