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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Its a bot I think, google the name and see. This one is trying to trick us by not having any links to porn, medication or fake degrees.
  2. Works: Word, a stripped down spreadsheet app and a stripped down database app. The latter two's file formats aren't fully compatible with Excel and Access and vice versa IIRC. Works might also include some other stuff like a roadmap or Atlas. It usually depends where you buy your PC.
  3. Mass Effect... probably. I guess I am waiting for a Wii.
  4. All guys revert to their willy instincts at some point or other "
  5. Carrying a concealed weapon is against the law in a lot of places. That comes above expressing a faith.
  6. Heh, the first scenario is straight forward. BA has the right to set its a drress code. With the teacher there are a couple of things: This isn't true, Islam does not dictate the wearing of a veil. In practice its basically up to the individual woman if she wears the veil. I think face to face contact is incredibly important when teaching and just conversing in general. IMO it does create a barrier and concealing ones face always creates an air of distrust. The womans caveat of wearing it in front of male colleagues only is hypocritical nonsense since she already removed it once for an interview with a male governor of the school.
  7. Maybe if you'd spend your time actually looking for the keys instead of posting on a forum you'd find them? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The keys are in the forum!!
  8. This week I have been mostly playing System Shock 2. Played as a navy operative. I ended up just taking whatever skills I needed.. so I didnt really "roleplay". I am undecided as to whether I like this game or not. There are definitely quite a few things that just plain piss me off; I guess the main things are the seemingly endless running back and forth through really drab and claustrophobic areas. Also the repetitive style of play kinda gets boring for me after a while, its just the same thing over and over with little variety. The big blob steak level was also just lame.
  9. The upside of having 31 kids is that I sure get to do a lot of beating. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And you used to have lots of sex... but not anymore. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The upside of that is that I sure get to do a lot of beating.
  10. The upside of having 31 kids is that I sure get to do a lot of beating.
  11. Preparing to drop the kids off at the pool.
  12. ^I've read that several times and I don't get it... what does it mean?
  13. Heh, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/5329642.stm
  14. uh duh! Its ROFLPOCALYPSE NOW!
  15. Ok, so in the upcoming movie why doesn't Optimus look like this? (colour notwithstanding) http://www.3dblasphemy.com/OPTIMUS/OPTIMUS.html check out the animation too.
  16. Israel likes to maintain a state of nuclear ambiguity.
  17. I wasn't that disappointed but the episode. Jack running into the plexiglass was hilarious!
  18. I've tried playing it a few times, and the controls kill me. I'm told you can map them, I don't think you can. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Erm... wasnt it just a (really awesome) point and click adventure?
  19. I'm certain this did not even occur to you but you might have mentioned that the content of that video was rather extreme. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That trailer came out after Llyranor posted the link.
  20. HAHAHA! good pun! Yeah, so since I saw that Bioshock video and this thread I decided to get this. It was only
  21. I am in partial agreement. I both like and hate the character back stories that run parallel to the events on the island. A lot of the characters are interesting enough to make me want to know about their history. The way that all their lives seem to be connected before the plane crash also adds another layer of appeal. They flashbacks also serve as a kind of map that explains the motivations of each castaway without resorting to bad expostion or clumsy dialogue. However, the flashbacks have become grating in that they have caused the island storyline to slow down drastically. They have also taken on a soap opera like quality. A good example of this is the dreadfully boring Sun/Jin story last season. It looks like Jack's stroy is becoming like that as well, what with yet another episode about why he hated his dad and messed up his marriage. So yes I can understand exasperation at Abrams statement since it looks like we are in for a dull season.
  22. I guess that gives some insight into how the story will unfold. Other newsbits: -The 3rd season opener is down 25% from last year 10 about 18m viewers. -The hobbit has been complainf about the downside of an ensemble cast; too little screen time and politics and stuff. -Abrams says this season wil focus on character development more than the sci-fi mythology crap that gets nerds excited.
  23. There was... but it was locked, i think, And yes it is awesome. A 300 featurette EDIT: I guess it wasn't locked after all http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=44039&hl=
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