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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Oh dear, maybe its discontinued.
  2. cheating on her... with the dead hooker in the garage... it all makes sense now!! Commie you sly dog! you sly devilishly perverted dog!
  3. Well only countries that naturally act in self interest. At times those interests may coincide and they could be called allies, other times they dont and may be at odds with each other.
  4. I wondered that too... and also why The Schmarth was snorting soda
  5. When you say God created 3 religions are you refering to the judeo/christian/islamic one? Its just that there are more than 3 religions in the world that believe in the idea of a supreme being.
  6. They don't, in fact they aren't technically spiders.
  7. That guy above me? he is the True sith. The "true" descriptor must be added to distinguish from all those that came after.
  8. I lost my dad when i was 10. Beat that! (I hope there are no orphans.) If the dark humour offends then sorry, but that is one of the ways my father's death affected me. edit: did i kill the thread? awesome.
  9. If the woman deliberately orderd lava then yeah she knew what she was getting into. Otherwise its Ronald's fault.
  10. Thats the only bioboard i've ever seen, i've never tried posting so i cant comment on speed.
  11. I dont think that is an alt. Its shame there are pople like that in real life, but on the other hand it gives me something to laugh at... p.s. tarna do your thing.
  12. Do they feel pain? Better to kill em yourself that way you lessen the risk of pathogens. btw i think you can call it the abdomen.
  13. The older i get the shorter a year seems to me, I don't mind living out the mundane day to day aspects even though the main motivation would be to relive the main events good and bad.
  14. WHat if you could live through it like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, except yours would be Groundhog Year. You could have a chance to prepare/prevent/lessen the impact of what ever difficulty you encountered.
  15. Comment if you wish, my aim was to highlight what i think is a funny story.
  16. This type of stuff isnt new - the adverts for claims have been around for a few years - but i feel we have "arrived" with this particular story :D http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4574530.stm
  17. kotor? ahh well i havent been there, i did say my glance was perfunctory! It makes sense though, kotor does seem to be quite simple to pick up.
  18. You'd do it for Kyla though, right?
  19. how does one do this?
  20. So i was watching Gamer TV on Bravo here in the UK and they had a feature on this: http://www.in2games.uk.com/testsite/index.php Its not even new! IGN did a feature on it in 2004! On the tv show they showed a guy playing the fighting and the golf game. It seemed pretty responsive and accurate. They also showed a prototype for sword wielding (even lightsabers!) snooker/pool, bowling and an FPS. At the very least this gives a glimpse of what the Revo controller will be able to do. I guess the revo controller will be better in one way due to the lack of cables, however making it light/radio based may give rise to responsiveness issues. This is available for PS2 and PC and no doubt it will apeear on a next gen console. In which case it kind of steps on Nintendo's toes.
  21. Spiders aren't insects. I wouldnt mind trying an arthropod or any food considered weird by the west. Most taste is acquired anyway so i think that a perosn could trian themsleves to like anything. Those tarantulas must be quite big for there to be an appreciable amount of meat in the legs.
  22. I don't get the animosity towards bioboarders. From my perfunctory glances at posting there, the people seem to be a little more uptight and sensitive for my tastes, i think this may be an indication of the maturity of that community. Personally i dont care for maturity in all aspects makes things boring. Having said that i did find the thread about why Visceris was banned to be funny this may have been inadvertent on the posters' part
  23. Are you making this game up or is it from a site or some book you found.
  24. Well since they won't have a hand in developing kotor 3 i guess its nothing to worry about.
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