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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Oh, in that case it doesn't sound like what i had in mind. The anal rape mini game is crucial.
  2. The FFS! now makes it look like you might have something against Danes,
  3. Transpose "dutch" and "danish"
  4. What the....? Its all in german <_< Is that scenario in Gothic 2?
  5. *really unnecessary revelation* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> where the hell are you going with this? ^the above is rhetorical, please do not answer... please
  6. Yup, thats who it is. Petay you asked me where its from, i knew you meant to ask who it was but i was being silly.
  7. I thought i posted a prison setting... maybe that was another thread Anyway, you could be a new inmate who has to gain the protection of a faction and then get drawn into the interplay of the different gangs. You could have the ability to switch gangs or maybe even be a snitch for the wardens. It would never get made, probably too edgy. One can always dream.
  8. The internet.
  9. Gorillas aren't monkeys.
  10. Animals beware!!
  11. Was there a darth between vader and maul?
  12. Finders keepers, losers weepers
  13. Cash Rules Everything Around Me?
  14. This is true. I wouldnt say Numbersman is a jerk, he is merely justifiably caustic. and hades... tsk tsk, is it you who has a degree in english or writing or something?
  15. I used to have an accompanying book to Return of the Jedi. it profiled all the main characters and gave an abridged version of the story. It referred to Vader as Lord of the Sith. The concept of sith may have been in the early drafts of Lucas's script before he he split it up into three movies and the OT DVD documentaries may comment on it (can't remember myself) However the word sith didn't crop up in the movies until Phantom Menace. I'm willing to guess that this idea was hardly developed at the time of the OT and only gained substance through the EU and was then co opted by Lucas when creating teh prequels.
  16. I dont mean the Nosferatu elysium, i mean the bit leading up to it.
  17. do you not have insurance or something?
  18. Is requiem like a reboot?
  19. But the pressure isnt caused by the mucus, its the inflamed and possibly ruptured blood vessels. I'd go and see a doctor Commie, you want to make sure there isnt too much damage.
  20. Noclipping is ok in a game that is buggy as Bloodlines and with levels as tedious as the warrens
  21. I have had the exact same thing happen to me. It feels like your head will explode on the descent. For a few days afterwards every time i blew my nose there was bloody mucus and also a terrible focused headache. My doctor prescribed me antibiotics and painkillers to treat sinusitis and it cleared up fine. However iit has happened since on the descent on plane rides but only when i've had a cold. What CoF described is good for clearing out the snot but won't do anything for the problem.
  22. Still trying finish Catch 22
  23. Angel had more adult themes. Anyway, back on topic. I saw The Machinist today. That was a creepy film. Christian bale is awesome in it... his body is anightmare in itself. :ph34r:
  24. if you still cant get through, noclip it
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