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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Yeah... although you are all christian i wouldn't lump you into the same group.
  2. Out of the 1 that is currently available? None. Why? 1. Xbox 360 has no killer apps (for me anyway) 2. The price is likely to go down when the PS3 is released and in time for next christmas. I'd rather wait. I would adopt a wait and see policy for all consoles since i have no idea whether i would like any upcoming games. Although based on the hardware, the Revolution piques my interest due to the novel controller. A lot of people say they will go for PS3 because of the Blu Ray player. I'm not convinced that this will translate into better (IMO) games and the movie format war is not over.
  3. We need prunage. This thread is being hijacked by Kotor 3 crap and kotor 2 bashing. Everything from post 120 up to and including this one should do the trick. Hurry! Do the one below too!!
  4. I don't mean to speak for Mr Sawyer but the answers to your questions are in his post.
  5. OMG!! Its a (belated) Christmas miracle!! Praise tha lawd-ah! For He is good-ah!
  6. You wouldn't be allowed to make poll about KoTOR 3.
  7. "mid-way" through the dev cycle.
  8. There's a first time for everything... "
  9. This is less than news, its not even worthy of an "if its true". There should be a set of criteria that qualifies a game as being in production, a major one would be a definite announcement that said game is being made.
  10. Guys.... OMG i was just making some toast because i was like hungry and stuff and then LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!!! Two signs in two days? I'm usually pretty sceptic but this must be true! Kotor 3 is coming!!! )
  11. Informative. Two questions: 1. Is obsidian a publicly listed company? 2. Could this point in time still be considered "early" in PNJ's dev cycle?
  12. WHere on earth have you been GoA? Technically its no longer the mass of christ in my country, so i'll wish you a happy new year instead.
  13. That's a bong right? cool bong.
  14. The game was rushed... and then troika shut down.
  15. You know, i've been getting a feeling too.. i could sense some imminent news regarding a new Kotor game. At first i thought that maybe the Christmas spirit was getting the better of me... until last night. I looked towards heaven for inspiration and lo and behold!!
  16. If PNJ is Kotor 3 then will K3 have dwarves? Some people need to go to school and learn the difference between primary and secondary sources.
  17. Hey everybody! Lets sing some Christmas carols! One of my personal favourites is: Silent Night
  18. It doesnt matter, it is a bad inference.
  19. The fan patches dont fix any bugs or code problems, they just make superficial changes. You can see the list of bugfixes and judge for yourself whether it is worth it.
  20. King Kong - Good film, bit long, has a pointless side/subplot but thoroughly enjoyable. Narnia - what a load of crap... :angry:
  21. Merry Christmas to everyone! Especially Hades, i wish infinite Christmas greetings upon your person, :D
  22. Are there any euro girls on this board? (who post in WOT) Aside from Launch, but we brits aren't really euro.
  23. Yeah, ok but Obsidian are not making the game. The rumours are less than vapour.
  24. That name no longer has any meaning for me!
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