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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Did you ever get round to seeing Serenity, Nartwak?
  2. Ooh a gangbang emoticon!
  3. I am pretty sure that is just a splitter, i am not 100% sure though and wouldnt want you to break your PC or new card, Can somebody confirm this?
  4. Is there a spare molex (dongle) coming out of the PSU? On closer inspection, there doesnt seem to be... Dells are weird
  5. They should have made fred a philanderer and barney a drunk wife beater.
  6. Pictures! we need pictures man!!
  7. I disagree, 5 seasons ago. Back when the simpsons was actually: The Crazy Adventures of Homer.
  8. Doesnt matter, according to the rules of logan's run you'd be dead already
  9. The simpsons is rubbish too! :angry: crazy danes
  10. Angry kirottu sounds weird, I don't believe it.
  11. Its a guy saying hello and he thinks kotor 3 is important or something.
  12. Yes i see what you mean, I have learned to tune it out.
  13. Thats not fair, not everybody is closed minded, there is just a vocal minority.
  14. Six days into the new year and already a whingy thread? On topic: Stupid people Leeches Edit: After doing some stalking it would appear the problem is not with AvP forums but with you.
  15. Futurama has a lot of nerd references - star wars, video games, star trek... and things. That makes for a rabid cult audience. The show itself is very hit and miss, I am indifferent to the news of the rumour of its possible return to tv.
  16. Patch available now via Windows Update
  17. I read a month or so a gao that some warez group or other had gained access to the copy protection code of the 360, they werent able to crack it but just "released" it so that everone could have a go. Haha, if the hackers are successful i bet that MS would wish they went with a next gen medium.
  18. You cant base your opinion off of a couple of forum nutters who robotically repeat their puerile uninformed opinions ad nauseam. The people who "hate" the 360 most probably dislike consoles in general.
  19. Blue on black makes my eyes go
  20. Geez louise what a wussy report! I mean come ooon! Are we guys or what? If i wanted touchy feely crap i'd a tuned in ta Dawson's creek! Come on eldar pull yer s**t together! Sheesh look at this guy *shakes head* *grabs crotch and spits* "
  21. A problem will be supporting all those old people that refuse to die.
  22. Gaz, it sounds like you want to add porn to game just as a gimmicky sales hook. I personally think that is a pretty cheap and tacky way to garner sales. As darque stated there has to be a good reason for sex in a game e.g. the last Leisure suit Larry game - that was mildly amusing in some places but largely a dull game. Conversely the reason violence is a staple of games is because they are based around confrontation.
  23. In K1 during one of Jolee's ramblings, he differentiates between types of sith branding Malak and Co. as not being genuine sith or something to that effect IIRC.
  24. So one night Superman is flying in the city looking out for bad stuff when all of a sudden he spots Wonder Woman totally naked on a rooftop laying down with her legs spread wide. Supes thinks to himself: "I'll have a bit of that!" So with the quickest of super speed he flies down and has his wicked way with Wonder Woman and then flies off again all in the blink of an eye. "WTF was that?!?!" exclaimed Wonder Woman, alarmed at the sudden rush of wind and movement. "Hell if I know, but all of a sudden my ass is killing me!" replied the Invisible Man.
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