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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. went 43-2-3 on Invasion. SCAR-H (i think thats what it called), stopping power, sleight of hand, steadyaim. kill streaks were Care Package, Pred. Missile and Pave Low. It was awesome.
  2. I want to be Nick so that I could slaughter Llyranor in his sleep. But I want to be Llyranor so I could slaughter Nick in his sleep.
  3. the story is over the top and ridiculous and parts have you saying oh WTF but seriously, this game is epic. it's a point and shoot shooter on rails but it shouldn't be missed because of that. It's like an awesome action movie that you go to see, and then never want to see again because you know whats coming. But the first time you see it you're like OMG SO COOL
  4. Two and a half. She's quite a handful. I'm heading out to the hospital, my sister just gave birth to a baby boy! They didn't name it after his Uncle Hurlshot did they?
  5. I would think you and Nick would be all over Spec Ops
  6. Wait the game is $7 and your asking if it's worth the money? unless it is god awful i'd say buy it, it's seven dollars man.
  8. Well, now you've lost weight walking 10 miles, so just get a whole lot of food and play DA and eat all day.
  9. Went into the city today to see the Yankees parade. I was super pumped for Matsui...6 RBIs, talk about clutch.
  10. Getting my last few games of NHL 10 and ODST in before Modern Warfare 2 comes out.
  11. good for you taks for not shielding him from violent games. some of the stuff they say about games and children is true, but a lot of it is bulls**t. My dad always made the argument i'd see worse stuff on the news than in games soI wasn't ever told I couldn't play somethin.
  12. Yeah, I've had my 360 since what, 2005 now? 2012 seems like a reasonable time for me to shell out another $400 for a new console. I won't mind so long as they fix the problems with the 360 (backwards compatibility sucked, non-rechargable batteries in the controllers, something the PS3 had)
  13. This seriously looks like the dumbest thing I have ever seen in my life.
  14. Guess Heatley IS going to watch 20+ goals go in this year...
  15. Well it's grabbed my attention, at least somewhat. Maybe this will make owning a Wii worth it.
  16. How long has Shanahan been playing? Like since the 80's? He needs to retire. But I guess it's no different than George Blanda playing until he's 48 years old. Chris Chelios was effective last year and he's pushing 47 now right?
  17. Didn't take Tavares to long to register his feirst goal and assist. Islanders look pretty good up against last years champs.
  18. Rangers didn't impress me to much tonight. Penguins are going to wind up back in the final four teams but I can't see them winning back-to-back years.
  19. Eh, he'd wind up scoring more points than some of the draft entries.
  20. He's worth keeping in the lineup just for the shootout. the guy's snapshot is still top notch.
  21. Dead Space was awesome. The dismemberment is a good twist on the average 3rd person shooter and the story is actually pretty alright too (especially is you look up the web-comics and stuff, they were pretty cool). There are enough weapons where you could justify a second playthrough, and the achievements (like one for only playing through with the Plasma Cutter) add some replayability too.
  22. to be honest the last vehicle portions of all the Halo games have been absolutely awesome.
  23. campaign in Halo is what is should be, mindless action with a lot of explosions, cheesy dialogue, more explosions. anyone who picks up a Halo game for the story deserves to be disappointed, it's a generic FPS, it's just that Bungie has done it right every time. I played through the campaign solo the first time, and I'll probably go through it again on Legendary with a friend or two. there was no epic plot twist, or extremely well written characters, but there were a couple of "oh shi** that was awesome" moments and that's why the Halo games are fun. you pick it up, you kill some aliens, you drive some sweet vehicles, and all this is even more fun when done co-op.
  24. so family firefight this weekend then.
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