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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. Yeah, I'd highly recommend the game to anyone, hockey fan or not. They've made some awesome adjustments to the game (starting back in 07) and it's only gotten better.
  2. The Show is the only reason I want a PS3 Do you use/like the similar mode they have for NHL?
  3. Personally, if you are going to be going for a masters or above, I would get a bachelors degree at a smaller institution and then move to your "name-brand" school for grad work. Excellent point
  4. The difference between the level of education at, for example, Princeton and a smaller school like Rowan isn't much. The education is what you make of it, if you put in the effort to excel in your field, then you will. Plenty of graduates from community colleges are making more than the Big Name School graduate. But if paying 200k for 4 years for the name of a school is up your alley, I'd say go for it. But at least do yourself a favor and pick a nicer school than Princeton. Great education or not, you won't be having much fun there. While the level of education is obviously related to what you put in, a great university helps too. Besides, a diploma that says "Princeton" opens doors... And I think I'll have plenty of fun at Princeton, seeing as though it has one of the best physics programs in the country, and a pretty damn good mathletics team. Like I said, to each his own. Personally, I would want to kill myself if I knew right out of college I'd have 200k in debt on my back.
  5. The difference between the level of education at, for example, Princeton and a smaller school like Rowan isn't much. The education is what you make of it, if you put in the effort to excel in your field, then you will. Plenty of graduates from community colleges are making more than the Big Name School graduate. But if paying 200k for 4 years for the name of a school is up your alley, I'd say go for it. But at least do yourself a favor and pick a nicer school than Princeton. Great education or not, you won't be having much fun there.
  6. To each his own, I guess. I'll be up there at Rutgers with two very good friends, though we opted not to dorm together freshman year because we'd probably end up hating each other. We also wanna branch out out and meet some new people as well. Princeton is my second choice, and my best friend's first, so there's a chance we may end up doing something similar to that... unless you're getting a scholarship I'd pass on Princeton. 40k for a school is just ridiculous. Save yourself the money.
  7. To each his own, I guess. I'll be up there at Rutgers with two very good friends, though we opted not to dorm together freshman year because we'd probably end up hating each other. We also wanna branch out out and meet some new people as well.
  8. Double major in pharmaceuticals and business? good luck balancing that workload while trying to maintain any form of a social life. Meh. Social lives are overrated, but, then again, I want to go to MIT, so I don't really expect to have one... Wait... Double majoring at MIT (what I plan to do if I get in)... That sounds suicidal... Uh, social lives aren't overrated. I'd take an average paying job and a great group of friends over a 10mil a year job and no one to spend it with any day.
  9. Double major in pharmaceuticals and business? good luck balancing that workload while trying to maintain any form of a social life.
  10. Really? I'm constantly seeing electronic engineering jobs going over here. English kids don't like engineering because it involves maths. Wankers. There are jobs, but schools like DeVery and ITT (unaccredited diploma mills) are churning out legions of barely qualified "engineers" and the labor pool is larger than the demand. Ah. Understood. I'll probably get my degree in business. I'm also considering pharmaceuticals, because Rutger's program for that is one of the best around, and there is some serious cash in that.
  11. Well, hockey is one of the few sports that has a ton of amateur adult leagues to play in. When you start missing the sport, I hope you'll look into joining a beer league. There are also a lot of tourneys out there for amateurs. You can basically play hockey up until the day you die, if you want to, and that is one of the reasons I love it. I actually look forward to joining the over-35 league in a few years, and we even have an active over-50 league at our rink. So I get not wanting to have it take over your life in college, but I hope you haven't lost all your passion for it. I took a few breaks from hockey when I was in college myself, it's an expensive hobby. Usually I'd get about 6 months in and then I'd be dying to get back on the ice. I'm far from done with hockey, it's just gonna be nice to have a break from it. I've played for 10 years - straight. My body hasn't really ever known a "rest and recover" stage because I've always been playing. I'm still addicted to the NHL and I'm sure I'll get back on the ice from time to time while I'm in college. It was to big a part of my life to give up completely.
  12. bought it, played about 3 hours in...traded it and got 40 bucks for it. that game was a letdown
  13. I think that will work out for you, chicks dig guitar players. Did you have any shot of a hockey scholarship? That might have changed your mind. I probably could have pulled out some scholarships for some Division 3 schools. At first, when I was applying, college hockey was a must have..But realistically I wasn't going anywhere with the sport past college so I'd rather go to a school that's gonna get me somewhere in life even if that means giving the sport up. The problem with college hockey is the division 1 levels are dominated by people who come from outside the US. Canada and Russian kids come here to play and get an education from a school like Notre Dame or BC.
  14. never<3 i'm not saying i'll never play hockey again, but division 1 isn't an option and Junior hockey would be way to hard to be committed to while dorming at a school. I'd spend more time sleeping at home than I would school.
  15. That must have been a tough decision for you, Krookster. Enjoy college life! Yeah it's been a good run though. I mean, Rutgers is the birthplace of Ultimate Frisbee so there's always that...
  16. so um, my hockey career is over now, officially. I've decided I won't play through college because I've burned myself out of the sport. now that I have all this free time (for the first time in like 10 years) I've decided to get a real job and become more dedicated to the guitar. I'll be off to college in 6 months so we'll see how all this works out.
  17. It's not a Rockstar game, it's from Team Bondi (unproved studio). And there's hardly any info out yet. Published by Rockstar... And there was just a 3 page spread in Game Informer about it.
  18. Anyone else interested in L.A. Noire? Look it up if you haven't heard of it but it's a Rockstar game (GTA guys) set in 1940s L.A. You play a detective solving a series of crimes and work your way up the ranks from street-crime officer to homicide detective. I'm very excited for this game.
  19. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright... Anyway, I traded in ME2 today. It was a great game and I enjoyed the ride but I can't say I was dying to replay it. Maybe it wasn't that great of a game or maybe I'm just not as interested in gaming anymore but I figured getting $45 for it to put towards my next game was worth it.
  20. Reave is very nice, if you don't have Warp or Incinerate. I play as a Vanguard, so yeah... You're granted another ability on your next playthrough, which is what they meant by additional ability (I think), so yeah...
  21. signed up for the faculty/student 2v2 basketball tournament. I'll be playing alongside my favorite English teacher of all time <3
  22. why would you replay either if you don't want to?
  23. It was more like OMG BEER EVERYWHERE because I threw my drink in the air.
  24. as of yesterday he had less than 4 points or less, nothing incredible but not bad either
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