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Everything posted by dukeisaac

  1. Sawyer also mentions that one of the barbarian subclasses is named corpse-eater... also something about needing sufficient supplies on your ship or your cannibal crewmembers will go wild... (https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/867465172339703808) Fampyrs! At least that's what I'm thinking. Would be a fun thing to play an entire party of undead. My priest of Berath wont like that... no no she wont!
  2. Sawyer also mentions that one of the barbarian subclasses is named corpse-eater... also something about needing sufficient supplies on your ship or your cannibal crewmembers will go wild... (https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/867465172339703808) Edit : Just realised this was already mentioned in another thread. Please ignore my less than useful post
  3. Is it me or does it appear like they changed their minds and reverted back to being able to have six characters in the party? Also, Aloth doing a bunch of collateral damage, and one of the 'misses' is in yellow for some odd reason, a bug maybe. Nice QoL addition though. Could it be that the six portraits at the top includes enemies? I can count five distinct characters including one called Player in the log itself, plus an enemy called "Neketeka Guard" who they are attacking and would make it six involved in the fight. So maybe it segregates the combat log into separate logs for each battle which are then identified by the participants involved? Or the first one is simply an "all text" button?
  4. Hope he rolls a natural 20. For a long time I was just : "what the hell is a natural 20"? Then I started playing D&D with some friends and life finally made sense.
  5. A black Obsidian ring that summons a deadly Obsidian Feargus to fight by your side. He also yells crazy stuff while he hits people. I'm sure the voice acting wouldn't be too expensive too!
  6. IMO, it was a very effective campaign. Tight, well planned stretch goals, a good pacing in the updates and just enough humour to make it light (Feb 14th update LOL). POE2 is looking to become an amazing game. If I had any criticism to offer, I guess I'd say that the Tekehu reveal was very awkward. There's absolutely no hype about him (to the contrary of all other companions) and when they do finally reveal more about him, I fear reactions will be pretty much "meh". Probably would have been better to keep him as a surprise reveal for down the road or something... Apart from that topnotch!
  7. Everything you said (especially the part about the gods) and the collide of "civilization" vs "barbarism". Super interesting stuff. IMO, it shows that Josh Sawyer is a student of history.
  8. Yeah, and those innuendos were patently ****ing ridiculous. I'm near the *bottom* of the socio-economic ladder; I had to work my ass up from living under a bridge five years ago. I'm *definitely* a member of the BIB, badge or not, and I *definitely* contributed what I could to this campaign, and I don't feel the list bit like this is any money-club. I've been catching bits and pieces of your life throughout these threads and it seems to me that you've been through some tough """". You hang in there buddy and know that I (for myself and I'm positive there are many more) appreciate your feedback and support.
  9. That was a pretty solid explanation from J Saw I feel. Huum, I like that, J Saw. It dehumanizes him
  10. Interesting, I don't think I read about something like this before. I don't know how feasible it would be for the devs (since its a whole new layer to class balance) but its worth a look, at the least.
  11. To the OP : I certainly hope so. But there's a saying that goes "Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed." Not that I live by it, because I am hyped AF by Deadfire
  12. That's basically it. Glad we cleared that up. Now was there something you'd like to say regarding this discussion about the attribute system you so rudely interrupted or are we done? Fair enough. But you need to take into account that I didn't start half of these conversations. There are plenty of people who dislike the attribute system, but they've had to face with the same disingenuous arguments and other bull**** I've had to endure when speaking up, and thus many of them have been effectively bullied into silence or completely out of these forums. I'm completely serious when I say that these forums are a kind of an echo chamber when fans congregate to agree with eachother; this happens with gaming forums quite often so this isn't so surprising, but the kind of attitude some people here have towards differing viewpoints is downright disgusting. With lesser games I don't even bother to look at the forums, let alone create an account and post on them, for this very reason. And to emphasize again where I come from: I'm interested in ideas that could improve the game, that's why I naturally focus on the flaws. Sitting in a circle repeating a mantra of how good the game is isn't useful to anyone, not to us as players and not to Obsidian as the developer. I've followed this thread (and most others) quite a bit and it seems to me that most posts are entirely from a subjective viewpoint. Not to say that good ideas arent written, but I havent seen any clear argument to justify a complete overhaul of attributes. Maybe you and many others think so, if so, so be it. In any case, this is Obsidian's game, and the devs chose a system and they should probably stick to it. That being said, I agree that certain stats should be made more relevant (Resolve and Constitution comes to mind). Some good ideas have been said, namely, better bonuses for those two attributes and a clarification of their roles in dialogue. The whole Might thing is, IMO, de l'enculage de mouche, as we say in French. I think we can all agree that we're impatient to learn more about the different systems in POE2.
  13. There are a lot of things about PoE I do like, that's why it bothers me so to see an otherwise excellent game ruined by a few idiotic design decisions. This is an old issue, a small but incredibly impactful part of the game that many people dislike immensely. I'm not here to mindlessly praise Obsidian like an idiot, I'm here because I'm interested in ideas that could improve the game, and that means discussing about things I don't like so much. And if you think that minor tweaks can solve the issues then by all means, share your ideas with the class: those ideas are the reason this thread exists, not this bull**** spewed by infantile people getting defensive because their favorite game gets criticism. I don't pretend to have the awesome solution that solves everything. I read posts, show my support when good ideas are thrown around and very rarely, I express my disagreement. In cases such as this one, I try to explain (in a polite and respectful tone) my point, which basically is this : if you want the devs to listen to you, maybe spitting on their work isn't the way to go. If your goal is actually that. I'm starting to believe otherwise. In any case, being condescending only goes so far. Eventually, people don't take you seriously.
  14. Noone likes you. Did you know that? Noone really knows what you wanted to achieve with your "system". Did you know that too? Your "system" is crap. You certainly didn't know that. I don't tolerate bull****, that's why people who are full of it never like me. There are a lot of things about PoE I do like, that's why it bothers me so to see an otherwise good game ruined by a few idiotic design decisions. Not to nitpick, but that's often not the impression you leave. Personally, I question the value of repeated attacks against a system that pleases or is at least considered serviceable by most players. In any case, I'm happy to see that you enjoy enough of the game to feel so strongly about it.
  15. Honestly, I don't understand why some posters insist on posting about a game they clearly cant stand. We get it, you dont like POE. Why waste time repeating it? There are plenty of other games that can scratch your itch. For the rest of us, the stats fill their purpose. Is it an elegant/genius solution? Nope. They are serviceable and play in ok with the mechanics. Nothing minor tweaks cant solve.
  16. As far as I remember, Josh said in a Q&A that there would be two neck slots (thx Bobby Null), one for cloaks and another for amulets, necklaces and such. Trinkets are another slot. Whether or not they are class specific is a good question...
  17. Probably not. While being very sharp, obsidian is (in my limited experience) not very resistant to impacts. Similarly to a diamond, I guess. So, sustained high strength impacts on armour would likely break the sword. Mezoamericans used it mostly against organic based armour (skins, hides, wood, etc), so it would have been far more effective. I'm pretty sure it couldn't pierce the Spaniard's breastplates.
  18. Yeah great news! Congrats to all who participated. As for the items, so far, I really like Boerer's idea of a cat of nine tails or a weapon made of obsidian. A bastard sword made of Obsidian? Yes sar!
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