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Everything posted by Calax

  1. or they just didn't think of it until the emperor. You know the emperor in rotj didn't strike me as a sith he just struck me as a crumpled old guy.. Oh and Darth Bandon was able to get by Armor restrictions and use force lightning what's up with that? his armor doesn't let you use the force
  2. actually fin moved this from the general obsidian to here. He didn't close it. (i think it was fin...)
  3. ummmmm lesse here now then yet..... Myth TFL Deus Ex (hated invisible war) Mechwarrior 2 Oh in Myth the insane little dudes with the molatov's were dwarves not gnomes. in soulblighter they get mortars :D i just love when they hit an ally "Casualties" "whups" Dwarf shrugs and goes twiddling along
  4. well the thing is dispite insinuations by the devs the "true" sith were wiped out at the end of the great hyperspace war. the last of their kind were genetically mutated into the Massassi and they all got wiped out by Exar Kun/Jedi. Kotor meets continuity, things break.
  5. would you like some American Pie?
  6. why ban fan films? troopers rocked (well it is a tad bit old and things have gone down hill so ok!)
  7. they are far more militaristic and more integrated into the government then the ones of the "current" era. But they do do the wierdest things like blocking a lightsaber with a stick or a sword But the Jedi are very good at combat and using the force to manipulate things. but they suck at being surprised. One of the most powerful jedi was killed by a droid during an attack on a "Jedi Convention"(aka every single jedi who could be there was there i think there was well over 3 million but hey who knows.)
  8. or FF7's Cloud's learning who he is sequence
  9. then handmaiden act's like bruce lee and kills everything with her bare hands.
  10. Kotor 1's story is on par with most RPG's Kotor 2's has more holes in it than you can shake a stick, lightsaber, swiss cheese, and a window screen at.
  11. get visas or get in visas.
  12. well if you take the models Revans were MUCH younger than Exile's so it seemed
  13. Probably Deus Ex when you first learn what's really going on behind closed doors in the very very beginning (ie after your first real mission)
  14. I find it odd that they have Dark Jedi armor (exar Kun's Darth Bandons that sort of thing) but because it's not a robe you can't use certain force power's I always use robes because my male exile (5/7 games) looks like he's waring a dress if you get the special armor. Makes me think i'm getting the short bus in terms of armor (for those who don't get it the short bus is for the "special" kids i mean no offence)
  15. hmmm he'd have to grow hair and get rid of the gell. then take up gambleing and get rid of the tatts
  16. the whole falling to the dark side for the greater good doesn't lend it self to jedi code or to human common sense (i can see it now the new jedi creed, In case of emergancy use emotion to win battles) I don't remember what i said CRAP.................................................................. But what he did wasn't truly evil just as what the council did during the beginning of the mandalorian war wasn't truly good. (I find it odd that that Council had serious problems going to war against an aggressor while in the movies it was all they could think about.) Everything is shades of grey. That's the lesson of the Jedi Civil war. You cannot be strict in adherence to a code when one of the tenant say's that you will protect the unprotected while the unprotected are being slaughtered wholesale. but you can't be completly whimisical about what you do. you have to look at it (amount of time depends on the seriousness) then start to kick ass and take names
  17. the origional Sith war was 5000 years before ANH, kotor 1 takes place 40 years after that you do the math
  18. The world according to Kotor I'm going to steal candy from a baby (DS POINT) I'm Going to steal candy from a rich baby (Ds Point) and give it to a poor baby(LS Point) then i'm going to shove said baby up kreia's *** (Eh who know's it's debatable) (Overall LS Shift) I'm going to buy all the babys candy (LS point) I'm going to snap this baby's neck while mommy isn't looking (single DS Point) I'm going to dangle this baby over the Nar Shadda Pit (neutral) I'm going to kill mommy (Triple DS point) I'm going to try and romance my girlfriend (Always Always LS point) Disiple with the others slowly joining in: Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam Spam, Spam, (Lovely Spam, Wonderful Spam!) Spam, Spam Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam Spam, Spam, (Lovely Spam, Wonderful Spam!) Spam, Spam (And so it goes, for a few more choruses) Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam (Whew. Typing this song is making me hungry.) Spam, Spam, (Lovely Spam, Wonderful Spam!) Spam, Spam (And so it goes. I'm off to get some Spam, Spam, egg, and Spam.) Complements of Eric Idle. Edit: whoops forgot the first s in the first spam
  19. Force=God Never in starwars is there a real risk everything is planed from the beginning to coincide with what it wants. It Controls Everything. Kreia=Lucifer asking the question of what happened to free will. and ultimatly rebelling against the force. Only place i know of to get rid of the force is Myrkr
  20. Calax


    well in deus ex if you were observant you would notice in area 51 in the origional there were several tanks. one said JC Denton one said Paul Denton one said Walton Simons, and one Said Alex Denton. Course Alex was still in his tube at the time. ummmm I think that it would be better if Bastila had Revans lovechild
  21. it would be knida fun if they made lightsabers so you could make the blade a gazillion colors differnet hilts, doubleblades single blades double blades that become single blades.... Robes should also be heavily customized, what if you don't want traditional jedi robes, that should be addressed too
  22. i'm not sure that your gonna get jolee added to your char's because in the last one you could get his robes. Kinda makes you wonder if they killed him off...
  23. destroying the force is essencially the same thing, everything weather force sensitive or not depens on the force. Except for the Yasamaniri
  24. they are, reminds me of trying to find a job online.
  25. yes but might it be actually real and not sombody dicking with us hmmmmmmmmm
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