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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Best guess is that Kreia/Exile was somehow able to sever the force bond. It's the only explanation. If Kreia was truly evil why would she try to make exile stronger even after betraying him? Course the fact that Sion disobeyed her order didn't help her much. Perhaps if You had seen some conciquence from Sion then she would have been truly evil because she would have been blinded by her obsession with exile. The mass shadow generator is a cute piece of technology but i'm wondering why they didn't have a remote control, at least a clapper (Clap on clap off goes the mass shadow gen)Also I think Kreias alignment depends on the Exiles' If Exile were dark wouldn't she be serving the lightside or at least neutral when she killed him?
  2. what? No Deus? YOU BLASPHEMERS
  3. you do of cource realize that Jolee would be Obi's ANH age (70 for those who don't know)
  4. storm you don't have to have so much scorn in your voice.
  5. Los ciento porfavor pero Espanol no esta muy facil. no esta muy bien otra. esta muy deficil. soy add
  6. "am i a witch or am i a warlock"
  7. but that still doesn't get around the fact you can commit xenocide and still be a lightsider.
  8. true true, mira wants to dance in that other pic.
  9. hooray Palp lost yet survived and mace won and died. Certainly makes you want to lose more. Perhaps the reason that Mace died was because he was confused by mr. "We Have to Kill Dukoo but can't kill his boss" it's very odd.
  10. Personally i think rebellion should rule the market :ph34r: Just kidding I find that Dawn of War is actually very fast paced compared to everyone else's to get recources all you do is capture strategic points then you can make those into a little base to act as a way point for your forces.
  11. wheee perhaps you could fight malachor five that had taken the spirit of kreia! knowing Lucasarts that might actually happen
  12. aaaaaaand for no spam I think that tatooine has got to be the most used planet in any game except for possibly hoth (how many times can you fight the same battle before it gets boring?)
  13. the story could have been slapped together by a freshman for his english class. Somethings happen faster than you can say plothole
  14. but i always have problems when my minions die in their robes...
  15. And from you local magic dealer PAZZAK THE TRADING CARD GAME! Atton: Disiple I challenge you HADOKEN HADOKEN EiCUTVARUCUT Handmaiden: I moonlight in the world of warcraft. You know that chick who brings you back to life? that's me i'm a tad frigid
  16. Atris concept looks a tad bit like she wants to bite me and take a huge lump of flesh but hey that's me
  17. yes she has. looks like she's staring at us as if we are insane
  18. holy crap what the heck is in that thumb?
  19. yeah. somtimes i wonder how a person can be a jedi master and convince an entire planet to overthrow their government... or depopulate a planet to say the least
  20. If anakin hadn't interviened then yes Mace would have won. Simply because the emperor was zapping himself instead of mace.
  21. Personally if you like a good story stick to deus ex.
  22. Development cycle is everything. From the creation of the game to it's shipping. So all inclusive they would have probably only had about 8 mths before they had to test and ship maybe this is just a widespread beta test, that would really put things in perspective.
  23. it has to be better it' can't get much worse than it was in kotor 2. At least they won't kill char's faster than you can say plothole.
  24. at the star wars fan film awards sanctioned by atomfilms.
  25. I was looking though and noticed somthing, Little exile and atris, the scene looks alot like a female reven finding little manalorian/dantoinne girl in the cargo hold........ Great art work. You may want to look at some of this work, it's also based after a game (well really a novel) but it's really good and hey it might give you some more humorus ideas. http://www.shiji.cc/san/index.php
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