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Everything posted by Calax

  2. nope no way to get him out or convince zherron to up the money (i'm not so sure about zherron tho...)
  3. yeah too bad she died in a pool of her own blood just as you got there :sad:
  4. like dragons unicorns and MIB's. Or maybe humans with nukes... (GW)(if you can't tell i'm not very "patriotic"
  5. yeah jedi brown nosing got old fast. "inserts lightsaber into locker" "AUGGGGGGH"
  6. Vash is a chick by the way and i still find her lying dead on the floor.
  7. I really think that people have the right idea in swapping the sides of this thing. i wonder what it looks like from a sith perspective.
  8. dude please don't even joke about that..... it's in bad taste....
  9. I find it odd that Iridonians went from being brutal killing machines that would enter a battle frenzy and have trouble coming out, and were in huge amounts of armor in kotor1. became peace loving techno gods who were basically Zabrak in the second... Am I the only one to pick up on this here?
  10. I will never play that game again.
  11. do it or i shall smite thee with my holy cd of sharpness (a Deus Ex disk with razor edges) I'm surprised that they didn't put a JFK refrence in Deus..
  12. i like Lao's idea, it would provide a much more believable platform to inform the pc of what happened in the past than a guy in a force tube... anyway, this reminds me of Jedi academy in the most horrible way. I would think that for a while you would be following your master and either suberting him in the worst way(evil) or helping him by doing some dirty work in back allie's type of thing, or just acting as a PI (ls)
  13. Also Revan was planning for a future war so he often (I thinK) would fight very conservativly. I'm not saying this is a bad thing but you can often get more things done with a simple gamble.
  14. so lets SPAM wo hoo yah hoo we ha now....... Anybody played Project snoblind?
  15. Star wars logic You run when sombody's shooting at thin air. You run when you have the upper hand, You fight and win when everything's hopeless. All you have to do is block and everything will be just fine
  16. well ive gotten the handmaiden one and i think that if you beat the game you remove it but if you have 2 games at telos and other places before malachor you can get your easter egg. Yes I do have the PC version.
  17. * "Making the world safer, one mad scientist at a time." - Alex D, after reporting his kill of a Mako scientist * "Tra-la-la-la-la-lala. I think I'll fire the bitch. Right now." - NG Resonance, after being told that her manager takes bribes * "Well, I must be dead now, because I'm upto my eyeballs in biomods." - Alex D, after being offered to join the Templars * "You want me to steal a carcass from a nightclub?" - Alex D, after being asked to do a job for the Omar * "Behaviour Heuristics... Abnormal. Please Desist." - Omar Trader, when Alex bumps into him or throws things at him * "You are only minimally modified. We can help you correct this." - Omar Bodyguard, when prompted * "Yes, in order to win this war, we've had to employ the very technologies we intend to destroy." Power Armoured Templar Paladin - When prompted * "You're pretty political for a pop-star chatterbot." - Alex D, after talking to a NG Resonance sim * "Maybe they left because of the soda selection." - Bum in Liberty Island, referring to the former UNATCO occupants * "That was a quick ceremony." - Alex D, after being Knighted by Saman at the Arcology Air Terminal The's are from the game Deus Ex invisible war.
  18. and viridan and so on and so forth. I like base colors not those that are cheap rip offs.
  19. well you could choose your original side, ie have two different beginning points, one on some sith planet and one on corecant, they mirror eachother but the "correct" choices (in the view of the teacher) is the opposite. Essencially you start at a pole and either stay or move to neutral by the time you leave.
  20. gah. the little spinny thingy's are off it makes me go wheeeeeeeeeeeeee I think Malak shouldn't have had the giant metal piece covering his jaw. He would have made a much bigger impact on people
  21. most of the red skins got wiped out thousands of years before the sith war as i have said before...
  22. or you could be a sith trooper who got Transformed! LOOK OUT IT'S VOLTRON!!!
  23. And visias amazingly considering so many people talk about force sex i would expect that she would get more... Poor Juhani... she only got one.
  24. have you thought of selling you sketchs for you job?
  25. Thrawn is the ultimate planner. He's the only person who is able to tell an attackforce's ability by the death of a single tie. Revan could to that but by using his jedi abilities. Also theres' Thraws seeming bottomless pit of intelligence. so hap hi ho.
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