* "Making the world safer, one mad scientist at a time." - Alex D, after reporting his kill of a Mako scientist
* "Tra-la-la-la-la-lala. I think I'll fire the bitch. Right now." - NG Resonance, after being told that her manager takes bribes
* "Well, I must be dead now, because I'm upto my eyeballs in biomods." - Alex D, after being offered to join the Templars
* "You want me to steal a carcass from a nightclub?" - Alex D, after being asked to do a job for the Omar
* "Behaviour Heuristics... Abnormal. Please Desist." - Omar Trader, when Alex bumps into him or throws things at him
* "You are only minimally modified. We can help you correct this." - Omar Bodyguard, when prompted
* "Yes, in order to win this war, we've had to employ the very technologies we intend to destroy." Power Armoured Templar Paladin - When prompted
* "You're pretty political for a pop-star chatterbot." - Alex D, after talking to a NG Resonance sim
* "Maybe they left because of the soda selection." - Bum in Liberty Island, referring to the former UNATCO occupants
* "That was a quick ceremony." - Alex D, after being Knighted by Saman at the Arcology Air Terminal
The's are from the game Deus Ex invisible war.