I have to agree but I don't think it should be removed. Given an update and perhaps have a level that is Xwing Style (make the ebonhawk a clone of the otana) for one of the quests but not get rid of it completly
The origional C&C's were good. Then with the advent of Tiberian Sun the franchise Bellyflopped. The Newest Incarnation isn't even a Command and Conquer. It has absolutly no similarity's byond the name.
Dawn of War: Winter Campaigns.
Numbers IW was absolutly insane about how it connected with deus ex. I agree when you say that tis not deus. They never even explained about the Tanked alex Denton. (In the Area 51 tube)
Beware Lady thee shall be hacked to pieces by the atton fangirls. But this is the first time I've seen sombody pick disiple over atton in the entirety of my fourming(note i'm only 1 1/2 mths old by my board clock.)
hmmmm what building though.... Actually i think that Berlin would be better for A jedi capital of the world. It's got everything you could want and it's not moderated by Mien Fuhrer Bush
eh well you should be able too just to get life and Force back in the middle of a quest. I also just can't figure out why the npc's won't go see things for themselves or watch a jedi fight in the middle of the open, it'd seem much more realistic to me.
actually kevin Costners little magic bullet theory is wrong because the mayor (or was it govenor?) was actually sitting lower and to the left of kennedy by just a little bit. I'm surprised that nobody bothered to mention XIII the game because that's one heck of a rip off from the kennady assanination. (Plot= you have ameisa and you look like a clone of the guy who killed the president. it's a screwy game)
Moth nether char had a name per se, they just gave the char a title or his origional identity to make it so that they didn't have to write themselves around a name like the guy's did in ffX. You know i wonder why you never eat in Kotor... Are you an Medpack junkie who uses packs as a form of sustinance?
for all you canadians out there, American General Carville from Red Alert 2
"I don't know what happened back there but now we're stuck here... I know Canada, they have more cow's here than people."
"Me so horney me hurt you long time"