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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Windu would have won simply because Palpitine couldn't keep up the attack and would have killed himself if he hadn't had Whiny save him
  2. read the entire thread in the link that's where they explain it all....
  3. because otherwise you don't get all the content
  4. probably getting cloud to seduce don Corneo from FF7 you could screw around so much in that! especially "if you don't tell me i'll cut it off..." "If you don't tell me I'll rip it off..." "If you don't tell me I'll smash it..."
  5. DO Not read much of his other stuff unless you are seriously mormon. Orson Scott-Card is a fanatical mormon and he show it in much of his philosophy, especally in Folk of the Fringe, where everybody's favorite nightmare happens, MAD. While everything else looses technology. Utah becasue it's the "holy place" and because the mormons are a bunch of nutjobs, Still is a fairly capable civilization. with computer's crops and cars. The one thing i don't understand is how they can grow crops, the entirety of Utah is either desert or a Salt plain and they don't have any fresh water...
  6. "He shocked santas balls! He SHOCKED SANTA'S BALLS! I couldn't let him live, I'm sorry jesus." Personally I think that the government is only publizing their mistakes to make us think their a bunch of incompatant fools.
  7. If you were to remove all inerta possible and to remove all gavatational anomolies the object you did this to would seem to dissapear because it's staying in one place in the universe. What you have to remember is that everything else is moving. We rotate around the planets axis the planet rotates around the sun the sun rotates around the center of our galaxy, the galaxy is moving in a cluster the cluster is moving away from other cluster , and so on and so forth. basically what happens is that the object that is frozen in place for one second becomes the fastest moving object in the universe (relativly) its wierd. i'm guessing that if you calculated right and you figured out just how you had to do everything (IE you could find the point where going out one way would bring you back the other) you could probably use this to find away around the galaxy. I'm not even going to bring up the battle tech concept of hyperspace. that's just creepy
  8. I meant fighting where you could hit more than one person with an attack (wide sweep with a lightsaber blade) and had an army on your side, an actual army not some wannabe's from a milita that amount to about 7 people.
  9. I think that Call to power had the most complexity. It actually became much too complex, I think that's why Civ3 was so simple in comparison. I think that it would be nice to live as an alliance and win the game. (Me and my friends usually do lan games and kick the crap out of 5 comps easy)
  10. I don't have an Xbox :'( :'( :'( :'(
  11. Humans are selfish beasts why else do you think that we fight for territory?
  12. or some heavy army fighting (Dynasty warriors style) :D
  13. people forget that if you remove all gravitational pull from an object it immedatly starts to pick up speed because everything else is still pulled away by gravity. essencially this object will freeze in place while everything around it will be moving. and moving very quickly. and no i dont know how you slow down or how this relates to hyperspace but i'm guessing that if you calculate correctly you could make yourself literally appear on another planet. Got the idea from issac Asimov
  14. It's just the deepest most convoluted game you have EVER played.
  15. yep that's paraphrased but hey it still works..
  16. but charging up her cargo ramp is such a classic line!
  17. must of scared the kiddles about seeing sombody die in a pool of blood after being caged
  18. If you don't shut up your bad feeling will turn into a world of pain...
  19. Get myself a girlfriend and make people send me money... and i don't have to do squat because i have a nice little harem and :rambles on about a fantasy life that will never in a thousand years exsist:
  20. or being able to jump and to flips and in general be an acrobat (dukoo's little showoff of a flip in the begininng of ROTS) or just the ability to choose when you force jump.
  21. horray people agree on somthing.... I certainly hope they use a new engine this one's getting old and delapidated.... ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm we should be able to throw our vibros.
  22. I really don't know... I don't think you can force the one guy out. But zherron might become a mindless zombie who tries to eat your brains... (STARSSSSSS
  23. ummmm go on a violent rampage and decimate the american western seaboard? Actually i would probably just get a job "You will hire me" "I will hire you" "You will pay me 10k a year" "I will pay you 10k a year"
  24. Gah took me three times to see the difference, but still why would they make the names so alike (i'm going to need to check that on my next Kotor game)
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