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Everything posted by Calax

  1. did you really mean to say eaten? Yeah americans and germans were really good at killing one another but the russians were better at dying to germans and pounding them into the ground.
  2. I don't hate the country I just hate the fact that we are becoming what we tried to kill in the Revolutionary war namly a giant empire who shoves criminals into another country (Guantanamo bay) By the way have the "war criminals" who were at guantanamo ever tried or even given a hearing?
  3. you know i think that if they do have large battles like the ones in Kotor 2 you should be able to damage more than one person with your lightsaber. I mean come on how many times can you swing at one guy and not kill anyone else in a crowd?
  4. I think it would be fun to have constant war zones become blasted terrain, or fortifications just pop up and there are actual battle lines that are difficult to get through. Like forcing the terrain into giving the defenders a bonus to represent the battlelines (like ww1). or set up permanant fortifications on your border with their own field guns.
  5. good sweet lord ive fallen into central america...
  6. Phile could we please stop the flame war?
  7. actually it depends on what mood I'm in. I just feel like ROTS right now.
  8. gah too many evil fan people must hide under rock
  9. by being very very special and .......... killing continuity.
  10. aughhh i cant post spam song wrong computer mizafrizzafragaduda
  11. people do it with orlando bloom and jonny depp so why not Bastila and Carth?
  12. Calax


    Throws a hissy fit over the previous two posts.
  13. he's disliked because he's so Holyer than thou. Also his voice just grates on me. and his personality is just plain screwy
  14. As the masters try to seal the Exile from the force Exile WhEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I'm FLYING... Kreia:You can't seal the exile. Die! she kills them Exile:AWWW that was fun.
  15. let's just leave it at a jedi is invincible when it comes to being shot at. Now Nukes are another matter "
  16. eh the games tried to steer clear of the eu. from my experiance
  17. yeah i'm always getting going during 2000 and by 2050 ive got half of the world under my control but time always runs out.
  18. they disprooved the extra shot that everybody thinks appeared. (is that the fourth?) the open mic was in the wrong place.
  19. Any other 70's slang peeps? or have we got it out of our system?
  20. Calax


  21. Nomi would be about 70 vima would only be 40... I would think that Vima would have made the story alot better because Ulic was one of her masters and it would have opened a new door when connecting to the sith war instead of Jolee's Galactical Travels.
  22. i'm not saying he's abad leader just that nobody will point out flaws in him otherwise they get villified by tha populance. When were in elementary school we are taught to revere George Washington, Linclon, and Kennady above all others. Nixon is a devil and Jefferson is just there. nobody bothers to mention the bad stuff about the top 3 because they are considered to be america's personal saints, byond reproach. and with Washington you don't hear about the infighting between factions during the administration. Similar to FDR but FDR is finially getting his time in the popular medias only now. I can't wait to see what they come up with when they look closly at bush.
  23. doesn't the copywrite and all that other stuff run out after a certain amount of time?
  24. Kennady and Linclon are both considered great leaders because they died in office, and it would be "unethical" to consider sombody who was elected who died in office a horrible person and expose their bad side. Also the Kennedy's still have a large amound of power in the US goverment. Would sombody please get me out of this blasted country!!!
  25. Calax


    here's what ive found so far... Low levels of caffeine may decrease performance on complex cognitive tasks. To test this hypothesis 63 psychology students participated in a study examining the effects of 45 mg of caffeine on the Stroop task. The participants consumed either a 12-oz (355-ml) can of Coca-Cola or a 12-oz (355-ml) can of caffeine-free Coca-Cola. A short questionnaire was then answered by the participants, after which they completed a computerized version of the Stroop task. We observed that women had slower reaction times than men (p < .001), and that the effects of caffeine were sex specific, having a significant effect only on men (p < .01). We also found a significant main effect of display (p < .001), and an interaction between sex and display (p < .05), which occurred only in the conflict condition of the Stroop task. These sex differences may reflect the lipid-soluble nature of caffeine. The decreased performance in the caffeine group can be explained by the Yerkes-Dodson law. From:http://www.psichi.org/pubs/articles/article_276.asp Description of Caffeine (and its effects) Description of Caffeine (and its effects) Caffeine is classified as a central nervous system stimulant. Ingested in moderate doses, caffeine can increase alertness; it also can increase the amount of time it takes to fall asleep, cause headaches and nervousness, and reduce fine motor coordination. Caffeine enters the bloodstream via the stomach and small intestine. Its effects can begin as quickly as 15 minutes after it is ingested. Caffeine stays in the body for hours
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