if they put him in retirement the romance can really get going. They couldn't get together because they were both in service and so on and so forth, Now with him gone they can make Sam's love life continue.....
The only reason that O'neil and Jackson were even in the pilot for Atlantis (I like the show but i think some of the characters are simple clones ::Cough Maj. Shep Cough:
is because they were actually in the movie Stargate. At least that's what I heard.....
But otherwise it's pretty good, needs some work though and they have WAY too much hightech from earth, (Railguns? common you've got to be kidding me), And the Wraith need to loose the locks, but otherwise i'm ok with it, one would think with all that tech they could find personal weapons but NOOOOO they have to use P90's and MP5's...........
Ok i'll stop ranting and raving like a little imbisile