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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Law And Order.... but it's still running.
  2. If it was they were running and trying to get to a station, No it's the first part of the four hr pilot. Otherwise I really don't know what it was unless you give me some plot.
  3. My mother used to be the hortoculture teacher there. Now she just runs the department up in rocklin.... We are getting so off topic....
  4. I know were grass valley is. It's about 3 hrs away from me, they have a branch of Sierra Community College there. On that Meta Quote, I think it was from the SW humor Thread that Jodo shut down after about 30 mins because I angred him. Grammer has never been my strong suit.
  5. What time zone are you in?
  6. a little, The new one sounds exactly like the anime. So NYAAAHHHH
  7. Let's see, Same name, same logo, same basic story...... Hmmmm i'm seeing some paralells.
  8. Ja, the anime was a wannabe ghost in the shell.
  9. i realllly don't want to have to break into song here.
  10. plus the area between town's is completly full of buildings, there's no more trackless wasts, this was back when I was playing 2 years ago.
  11. yeah but you still lose because you don't own the world.... I hate that.
  12. I tried, couldn't get past the first one (always hit rip the guy in half instead of toss him...)
  13. At least it's not Pazzak " . Life is boring when all you have to fill up your time when your broke is play Pazzak....
  14. That photo is creepy, Its like he want's to eat me...
  15. I like dan's do in the finale but am hoping that my family will get back it's TV soon so we can get the next season...
  16. if they put him in retirement the romance can really get going. They couldn't get together because they were both in service and so on and so forth, Now with him gone they can make Sam's love life continue..... The only reason that O'neil and Jackson were even in the pilot for Atlantis (I like the show but i think some of the characters are simple clones ::Cough Maj. Shep Cough: is because they were actually in the movie Stargate. At least that's what I heard..... But otherwise it's pretty good, needs some work though and they have WAY too much hightech from earth, (Railguns? common you've got to be kidding me), And the Wraith need to loose the locks, but otherwise i'm ok with it, one would think with all that tech they could find personal weapons but NOOOOO they have to use P90's and MP5's........... Ok i'll stop ranting and raving like a little imbisile
  17. boy dan quale quotes get sombody riled up...
  18. old old shows of powerrangers.
  19. Basically your ship off idiots become the new jedi but this time they are slaughtering their way around the galaxy to work off the grief you caused them at malachor, also Malachor is still together and you toss Treya into the giant green pit.
  20. and It is Holochess. What threw me off in Kotor 2 was that Bastila's mother and the chick in Khoonda are the same voice. So did Bastila's mother take over Khoonda?
  21. And carters lecture to the mirror about how, "Just because [her] repductive organs are on the inside she should get some credit too."
  22. does this mean he will bring "balance" to the force? Otherwise i let the last line of my sig do the talking.
  23. slowly but surly, I wish to stay at this ppd to unseat Baley, But really did anyone actually see the season 8 finale?
  24. mine is probably the origional C&C, just for nostalga and because it's the only one where after i sold my entire base, (on the sam site level, nod side) i was able to wipe out an enemy. course the origional Mammoth tanks worked in it's advantage (MK2's suck and the Red Alert ones are gimped.)
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