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Everything posted by Calax

  1. YAY the almighty master Finovar is back! horray.... WE NEED ROBES WITH HOODS. ^for those who don't take the hrs needed to go through the millions of posts and inane conversations
  2. i'm so sorry but i have to post this.
  3. oh.... I'll shut up now.
  4. I just hope it doesn't turn into a Star Wars style Fracas where you have to really have kicked the insanity bell to actually think everything is Cannon.
  5. with RDA? oh well in that case you can see almost the entire principal cast of SG1 in MacGuyver. Don S. Davis, Christopher Judge, i can't think of anymore right now.
  6. you wouldn't when you have every unit taking a pop away...
  7. Also they be hireing Stars to do voice acting work (that's in litigation tho) and gamers have become extremly impatient concerning waiting for the next new game in their favorite line or from their favorite dev. Everybody want's Hideo Kojima to put out MGS4 faster because they like how it looks (by the way has anybody seen the little demo they put together for e3? great stuff) but Hideo, because he control his own company, is able to tell the fans to shove off and wait. Other newer dev's can't do this otherwise people will say they are taking an inordanante amount of time to do somthing that they (the fans) could have done by now. Also games can run too long in development when a creator tries to get his complete vision into a game. then people start to get snarky about everything and try to whine at the company enough so that it's finished. thus our dear developers have to walk a tightrope between enough and too much. Though for some games/dev's too much is not eanough, VALVE I'M LOOKING AT YOU!
  8. I think that would make it so your cities didn't grow at all. Especially when trying to conquer the world, you would have to build up from day one just to take a continent.
  9. Maybe you were doing it just your bodies were in the exact same shape (I don't own it and don't have an XBOX :'( )
  10. I really don't think that it's going to far, those who don't want to look at it don't have to ( i even got spoiler tags to work on it YAY) Recently I've been Playing WAYYYYY to much C&C (everything i can, I wish they would put out the origional C&C in a Xp format that works for sound, Same with RA)
  11. what did you expect, an rts where you command little teams to take on huge empires and win with any sort of consistancy? Tho (i'm tired so i abbreviate) an Empire at War style strategy where you play as the snakes might be fun... I AM ANUBIS HEAR ME ROAR!?
  12. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Haegamonia, Good game. A tad short on the 3d aspect of it, but otherwise I loved it.
  13. Perhaps hot lesbian action in the God of War engine
  14. is that a spam or do you actually have a reason behind that Al?
  15. I did it about four times before i finially got it to work. :"> i feel incredibly stupid right now.
  16. HA HA! pratically anything animated anymore has the Hamill in it.
  17. I like the birth rates, why not after the war you enter a psudo golden age?
  18. What really happened when luke learned about his sister (NOT FOR THE KIDDIES)
  19. when you play KOTOR1, you never get a light jedi holding a lightsaber that's got a violet jem inside. It's the Darksiders who have the violet powah.... (That was horrible i know) Anyway, Everything is a figment of your imagination because there is infinite space and fininte people finite/infinite= very very small number, ergo there is no population, ergo everyone you meet, have met, will ever meet, is just a figment of your deranged imagination. (Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy) Also I'm wondering How can you go through all these planets, depopulate them, and still get lightside points? The average lightsider only kills when he has to, but in the games you can kill like a maniac and still not have and consequences. Makes you wonder.
  20. I have noticed the same thing all shrinks say the same thing. Ahem... It's Stargate SG1 THE GAME!!!!! TA DAAAAAAA.
  21. I got that... I suppose Jodo is a tad bit slower than me...
  22. I'm only using that in extreme circumstances, Like the no U thing from the other thread..... I forget the name Dangit.
  23. El Dorado Hills, Outside Sacremento. In a giant pack of rich snobs. My mother commutes to Rockling (takes about an hr. with the Folsom dam gone)
  24. To Make myself feel alive i Say unto thee: GOOD JOB, both of you.
  25. I just think the Mods' are out to lunch for the next month. Hydrogen only steps in when things get wayyyyyy out of control.
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