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Everything posted by Calax

  1. don't forget Greed.
  2. I guess console gaming will be your cup of tea now that you'd jumped ship. They're well known for their 50+ hour games <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have only ever seen one series that was over 50 hrs, and that was FF... he doesn't seem like the Final Fantasy type.
  3. It also makes for easy catches Ok bad taste. but the one problem I forsee with legalized marijuana is that we would have even more unprotected conjugal visits... mainly because it impares judgement and kids love it. But then I've seen two girls at my school drinking more beer than most grown men drink and not start accidently loosing thier clothing.... so who knows...
  4. ummm that's because she was cut from the entire game, so they just had her model die and put a blood slick there the make it plausable.
  5. Bastila: breathless in the other room w/revan "OHHHHH YES!" she comes out "What? we were just practicing combat" Everbody else "Combat... Riiiiiiight..."
  6. in this case it was, because the sith holocrons in the wrong hands have a very powerful infuence. Under the circumstances she lived in I wouldn't be surprised if she was corrupted as soon as she entered the room with them, she just didn't know it because they had warped her sense of good and evil.
  7. or taking up the cloth....
  8. Simple, they didn't have black Isle working on it
  9. they have Simpsons like Fiber Optic cable!
  10. Spam is good, spam attracts the master mod for a quick party kill and revive in another thread...
  11. I don't know what happened to those eyes. they were from the gambit comic book... My question is will we meet Corsair in the game...
  12. well you could always go back and do the ones who are "primitive" like mine..... :ph34r:
  13. He'll kick you so hard you'll be burping burlap (or data as the case may be!)
  14. it should be noted that they arn't necessairly Priests/pastors. I doubt the church want's anything to do with them... they just act like the CEO of Microsoft except they make GOD every third word.
  15. #'s for typhon? or for Hephestus?
  16. I bet they are going to put him up for Pres within two years!
  17. Montana By the Capital Steps If your a psycho who is unemployed... If your a schitso wacko paranoid.... If you don't leave your room If your predictin doom You ought to go somplace thats perfect for you.... Try montana, your not a wierdo there don't need to wash your hair live in a shed If your lonley you can start talking to voices that live in your head... There are many types of paranoia TAKE YOUR PICK! if they're really out to get ya then YOU'RE NOT THAT SICK! Try Montana it's the who's who of nuts I may be crazy but so am I! Dangit! I forget the rest!
  18. two things: One spoilers are blocked by spoiler and /spoiler with brackets around them. and to get back to normal size you type [/size]... K? and two: I prefered the feel of the first and last thirds of the ATOC
  19. Neil Gaimen FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. When I first read the title I thought he was talking about the CEO of the company, not the Xbox...
  21. You really going to inclued XI? It's a frigging MMO!
  22. yeah, I would hope so. On that note: I was watching O'Reilly Factor earlier and he should be beaten over the head with a banana. He is just way too "I AM GOD AND YOU KNOW NOTHING!" for my taste.
  23. sry I missed the question, no I wasn't saying the entire voting population registered to Rebulicana. I was mainly going after the rabid "Kill anything who even thinks about getting in the way of american Christianity and morality!" (like we americans have morals... " )
  24. Clairification, the meek shall inherit the world, not the losers. Thus those who lurk shall win!
  25. I like my tab button, but it's not usable on the net because it just sends me to the ADD Reply button!
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