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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Awww Eldar forgot that I was the one who started the Pantheon.
  2. So, who is Haphestus (Hephaestus)? http://www.theoi.com/Olympioi/Hephaistos.html And How about Princess for Eros? or for Isis.
  3. gimme some sugar eldar! common you know you want to! I mean that in a completly nonsexual way
  4. techinally they still work
  5. We're the fantastic... thousand?
  6. I'll toss in the younger Simpson. (the one caught on SNL lipsyncing but is still able to sell records!)
  7. ok... I was going to say "Find the Developers Net! Three of em posted here!" then I noticed the date... I would really think that Eru should be forced to play Kotor2, If I ever see him physically I shall hand him my comp copy...
  8. I'll take helios :halo:
  9. that would make the game much easier if you could.
  10. actually the idea has been argued over on the Lucasforums. I brought it here to laugh at...
  11. Final fantasy ten was good as I said before. It had only certain points where you would trigger scenes and get actual Dialogue. Thus they could work their way around classes and Character names.
  12. so many gods so little time, for Loki I guess LoneWolf could work considering his CCG card... but I'd prefer to keep it localized to greeks considering that most gods are just dupes of eachother. Gabb would Hectate do? Hecate (Hekate) The Titan goddess of witchcraft, ghosts and necromancy. She assisted Demeter in her search for Persephone, and became her minister in Hades.
  13. I've decided to make Tiny a honorary Apollo until sombody gives me somthing better for him. I'm still looking for a god for myself.... and sombody should Nominate GOA for somthing. And I've just made Gabrielle Bia. The goddess of violence until sombody either comes up with somthing better.
  14. nothings wrong with him. He just burned an opponents face off that's all.
  15. not really wicked stepmother, more like basic woman. You get jelous of your hubby having affairs.
  16. I think Kronus, Lord of the Titans would be better for Fin. If you have objections post them. If not let's continue with nominations.
  17. Gabrielle for Persephone? wife of Hades...
  18. Done that once....
  19. I shoot my mouth off to often to actually get to the point of dating so... All's good here!
  20. I've been kicking this around with baley and we decided that: Ender=Zeus Metadigital=Aries Baley=Dionysus JESawyer=Prometheus HadesOne/Volo=Hades... Darth Launch=Aphrodite Darkside=Athena Fionavar=Kronus GhostofAnakin=Poseidon Eldar=Atlas Guildmaster=Chaos Darque=Hera jaguars4ever=Pan Akari=Hermes Hydrogen=Gaea Gabrielle=Hel Tiny Travis=Apollo BattleWookie=Haphestus Deraldin=Hyperion Calax=Helios Servant of Eru=Loki Archmonarch=Wotan Bokishi=Hecatoncheires Akari=Osiris Numbers=Typhon Musuptocon?=Pan feel free to join in with your own nominations Edit: I'm going to be editing this as people decide what slots they want. And I guess I'll open the Norse gods and Egyptians too. Might as well go for age of Mythology and I'm going to be going by the descriptions here http://www.theoi.com/HIJK.htm if anyone cares.
  21. That's right and your 1st sig says it all Alpha Centauri dude <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Alpha Centauri? never played it and never know where it came from other than my brother....
  22. and he has multipul personalities that do different things for him. Like Killer 7.
  23. That officially scares me about the stupidity of mankind
  24. My mother is thinking about taking in a family, we have two extra rooms.
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