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Everything posted by Calax

  1. XenoGears... it's a masterpiece in storytelling.
  2. Well doom did beat out Vice city... As did Xenogears for the PS1... they have some really funny ratings at that place.
  3. I like this site, which gives Christian reviews of mainstream games, and even gives a Christian rating. I wonder who's responsible for starting all these forest fires. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That site is a riot Steve... they rated FFX as more offencive to christians than Metal Gear! And Tenchu Wrath of heaven appears to be their most offencive game that they've seen in the world! It nearly beats out Vice City!
  4. Hiding behind a tree is good... hiding behind a wall is better.
  5. eh... little from column a little from column b... hope you all have daughters tho... And really all they are doing is creamating the body and tossing it in a high powered compressor.
  6. it used to be somones avatar I think... Tarna? you look like a minstral with a blade.
  7. the spartans were the first known military based society. Yes there was homosexuals between the troops but I sincerly doubt that there was rape. Also every male could be called up for service so usually when you were summoned it'd be like waking up in the morning going into the street and joining your neighbors on the way to the battlefield.
  8. Woooo! I get a tombs report!
  9. I'm going to add that cat song that sombody posted in the "I feel sorry for this guy" thread...
  10. but hospitals arn't for children... children just die, it's the pokemon that are important!
  11. I think in the launcher it also has a patch command
  12. Screw insane rules, lets do online strip poker!
  13. when I first read the title I thought this was happening:
  14. In the immortal words or Montey Python: "SHE TURNED ME INTO A NEWT!" "Well you don't look like a newt..." "I got better.."
  15. ok blank... to throw this off on another tangent, Lucifer is what he's commonly known as AFTER he fell. Before he's Samael. It was the angel that I was referring to not the name.
  16. I think its a known fact that a childs reasoning at age thirteen is often flawed (dispite what we all say at that age to the contrary) and if they get too fed up with their life or their home they will probably run off to meet this mysterious stranger who's wonderful online.
  17. wouldn't then the spiders god be us because we have a notable amount of power greater than a spider? Same for most species on this earth. To say that you only follow Yahweh (sp?)(sry if I spelled that wrong blank I mean no offence) means you only follow the old testament version of god in my book. That is the only place where he's called YahWeh. Thus your particular god is vengeful and would kill you if you made a single mistake. Also in your version of the book Lucifer is an angel who works more as gods prosocuter than anything else. And for more examples of you not following your own deffenition, all the angels are more powerful than us by a HUGE margin. Thus they are gods.
  18. Spartans were the first to acutally use tactics. their style of warfare was brand new. As was (to the best of our knowlege) their lifestyle of warfare.
  19. That a sniper rifle or Artillery piece?
  20. I'm surprised that last line got through the filter.
  21. From the queen of england!
  22. needless to say the insinuation is that your apprentices will become the new council.
  23. I'm thinking of buying the lost chapters.
  24. My cat just Can't stay on the windowsill anymore he's too fat
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