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Everything posted by Calax

  1. hush pixies... I personally like the six shooters... and yes I do own what can technically be called weapons... I've got two wooden katanas that are heavy enough to at least give a concussion for a pathetic swipe (no I haven't tried.)
  2. I'm going to say that I"m going to live forever... if that doesn't work I'm going to use my soul to haunt your offspring in their most private (and revealing) moments.
  3. I really need an updated one... my old one has so few special stuffs!
  4. Am I the only one who even TRIED gangrel?
  5. the one where guys with guns run up and hit eachother rather than shoot? And where a guy with a french accent is the leader of the US military? Or the anime version where fireballs fly like dandilion seeds?
  6. but the common cold kills the alien overlords.
  7. no thanks. I don't want to be hospitalized for the first time in my life on a fraudlent report.
  8. the last time I was even close to this bad was about 7 years ago when I went to Timberline Lodge in Oregon for christmas... needless to say the trip became a disaster... the entire family ended up getting sick and locking ourselves in our room.
  9. Aww... I hope you're better soon <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thank you... I hope i'm better in time for Thanksgiving tommarow...
  10. I just got the flu this weekend and have been forced to stay home... so Staying home=YAY! Flu=Ugh... ugh... BLAARRGH! YAY+(ugh... ugh... BLAARRGH!)= ugh... ugh... And I've got an immune system taht is only overcome by the most vurlent of sickensses this could be bad.
  11. that last statement was aimed at blank
  12. kinda. your donation to the light side is a heck of a lot of gold for a few points. The evil side is just plain hard to do, you grab a random guy and take him to the evil temple where he's sacrificed in funny ways. usually if you really want to be evil you just run around kicking the crap out of people. Good... you donate money and help people in need.
  13. Best way I've ever seen of an age guard is requireing a Credit card #
  14. "Man is born free, but everywhere he's in chains" To say that we are not gods is to say that god is not god. Because if you look at the relationships god could squash us like a bug. He as the power of life and death over us. We have the power of life and death over ourselves too. We also have the power over other creatures on this earth. To say that if you can't control yourself your pathetic is actually rather short sighted. You have hundreds of biological processes that you can't control, does this make you pathetic? Every male here has gotten at least one erection that was not needed at that time, does that make us all pathetic? Or were you just talking aobut the concious stuff? Like talking, or moving? Everything around us is affected by us. But it is also affected by the others near us. If your boss was to say go to NY and buy us an office building you would feel you don't have a choice but to do that. Often people will do degrading things because they don't want to have the shame of somthing broadcast to the world. SO yes we can control all of our concious actions but our psycology usually won't let us take certain roads. Thus we end up "forcing" ourselves into one decision or another.
  15. Why? Violent video games aren't harmful...provided the child isn't a moron who doesn't know reality from fantasy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well I'm not saying I wouldn't let my kid play video games. I'm saying that if it came down to games or nudity I'd probably choose nudity. You did that last part didn't you? Didn't you! Man, I can relate to the whole 'total control' parents have, it is why I am still learning to drive at eighteen years of age, while my sister already has her liscense, and a $16k car my father so graciously bestowed on her due to 'circumstance.' I got a guilty bit of pleasure though when my cousin, who my aunt had been saying was so much more responsible than I was at his age got a DUI, while speeding, and carrying a passenger before his six months were up. I felt bad for my aunt and uncle though, they had to fork over $10k in fines. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah I did that last part. the writing was Pull the fire alarm Wait start shooting Thats about it. I didn't get my licence till i was about 17, took the class while I was in highschool (two of the other girls got arrested because they had about 12 cans of beer in their backpacks and were drunk/drinking on campus) I'm a good driver but I often overestimate myself. The only time I've ever gotten close to an accident was when I hydroplaned on a curve. My parents right now have the keys to everything (never was allowed to have a lock on my door because my mom thought it would prevent me from escaping in the event of a fire...) about the only thing I control at this point is weather or not I stay IN the house.
  16. I'd be much happier if my kids looked for porn rather than play violent video games... But I don't have kids so I'm lucky
  17. Bigger avatars. NWN2 boards here. More info on PNJ.
  18. at least it doesn't want to eat me (I think)
  19. That would be right since CON deals with the health and well being of a character. Bleeding to death should deal with that stat. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But with loss of blood you also start to loose the ability to think well and it saps your strength.
  20. how about killing puzzles? "If I kill this guy this way that door opens up. But if I kill him the other way I can fly into another room... hmmmmm." And Myst once you now how to do it can be done in under 45 seconds...
  21. Pokemon will be like power rangers. they keep making more! And for some reason I know most of the power ranger versions... that scares me. >.> <.<
  22. No... she quite specifically said that the rot that had started in the republic would fester until eventually it would fall. those are my words not hers...
  23. The school itself shouldn't be getting involved, but the parents should. Because the parents are the legal guardian of the boy if they say "close your myspace account" he has to close it. They basically have total control over who gets to tell him what and make him do whatever. I hate parents. oh and simply writing the best way to start a school massacre is a one way trip to either county mental or jail.
  24. the second thing does not look like somthing that can kill you 6 ways from sunday.
  25. Well if you drop the ministry you could still use most of what you learned as either a school counciler or as a psyciatric dr.
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