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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Actually in terms of level length, Call of Duty 2 has shortened levels. It doesn't feel cinematic because the game's levels are to small and only contain maybe one or two of the scripted events out of the first one (that gave it so much personality) and a heck of alot of fighting. Call of duty one was different from medal of honor in that it had alot more scripted events, you always had buddies, you didn't go marching up Omaha (which its kinda funny... there a grand total of one WWII fps where you do go up Omaha) and you weren't always an american soldier. Out of the more recent games of the two franchises I think I like Pacific Aussalt better than Call of Duty 2. Pacific Aussalt actually has a heck of alot of scripted events. You get little souviners for doing somthing special, your always with a party. and your health doesn't regenrate. Also if your life bar hits the floor you don't instantly die... you fall over and can call for the teams medic to come and patch you up. You can only call for the medic 4 times per mission in the beginning so you have to use them wisly. and if you die in the middle of a giant crossfire... well your screwed buddy. Also the music is better.
  2. Taris... Quickly followed by Iziz.
  3. wow... I just realized if you swapped the health systems of Medal of Honor Pacific aussalt and Call of duty 2 you actually find that the games feel like they are supposed to. Medal of honor pacific would feel more like a "one man army" and Call of duty 2 would feel like a team of people.
  4. the problem is that it's supposed to be primairly a PC fps... not a console...
  5. probably Quarren... when they get angry they do some serious damage.
  6. Seriously... these 1940's soldiers are able to regenerate better than Wolvirene... You can't hit crap with any gun... sniping doesn't kill in one shot... the levels are WAYY too short. (by levels I mean the areas that are considered all in one load...) The thompson got its magazine reduced... The later levels have way too many killzones for the germans. The grenade system is utterly messed up (hit g and you toss a grenade... I've killed myself several times trying to pick somthing up but accidently hit g instead of f) your allied AI can somtimes be stupider than old half life ai (a mission where you've got 3+ machine guns set up and the only way to actually keep all the areas where the germans appear is to keep all three guns shooting... but the ai doesn't even try to use the machine guns...) It looses it's Epic feel that the first game had because it's to broken up to accomodate the console requirements... the game definatly got shortend for that same reason. All in all if feels like it's in the same catagory as Doom3... It looks good at the beginning that most people see but once you get further in to the game it's just the same thing over and over and over... only instead of beasties popping out of nowhere and killing you while you try to get a super duper power up, this time it's a machine gun that's in a house that blocks the ONE WAY to get through to the next area... and of course your guy has to break into the house and kill the gunner and clean out the house.
  7. Definitely. I can understand why there is energy regeneration in games like Halo and FEAR. But it makes absolutely no sense in COD2. I didn't see a medic hanging around me 24/7. :ph34r: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeah... that was quite odd... I just beat it and my american guy that I played (in the campaign mode you play as 4 different people. 1 russian 2 british and 1 american soldier) was hit by about 200 grenades. a coupla thousand bullets and I think he got bazzokaed once or twice... BUT HE DIDN'T DIE! (this was all on the last mission) the way call of duty 2 has its health system is wierd... you get hit your fine... then as you get hit more and more in a small amount of time your screen starts to turn red. After a few more hits in quick succession you die. But if you just dive behind a table for five seconds your completly fine O.o !
  8. I'm gonna have to add Half Life 2 to the list... somtimes I reload because my entire team dies near the end... :'(
  9. Haegamonia. That game has some of the best visuals i've ever seen. it tries to be a 3d game but your ships don't have a command to move in the Z axsis.
  10. It was a picture of the Love Bug. :ph34r: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ah... And for those who got us on the topic of giant mecha, The starship troopers did have a giant ubernastrum of a body suit. For those of you who've seen the Space Marines from Warhammer 40k, think those only with tacnukes attached to the shoulders. The MI suits were what inspired half the "armored infantry" in sci fi in the first place. Warhammer ripped off Starship Troopers and starcraft ripped off warhammer.
  11. bah... I can't see what arkan posted... So I raise the ubertitan thingy dingy with Jehuty
  12. Well Kaftan dosnt like consoles. But kind of overlooks the main reason for their popularity. 1. It will play games much better than a PC of the same price. 2. Games will 99% of the time work out of the box with no effort. If something dosnt work then you swap it. No messing about with drivers and having to track down just why something wont work. Those two things make them very appealing to the average consumer, as well as to people like me who are fed up jumping through hoops and patching things left and right just to get a game to work. Thats not counting the
  13. Playstation boy here. No I won't sell anything for a PS3... may kill but no selling.
  14. Calax


    Akira is just twisted and bloody. But it is kinda funny when you see a kid start pouring blood out of his mouth one scene in the backround while they are all walking and the next scene he is UTTERLY OK!
  16. ummmm to get rid of co2 use plants... I think it's 8 or 9 plants can take care of all the C02 you will ever produce in your life from exhaleing.
  17. Calax


    El Hazard is a funny little series... as is Dual! (think tenchi mixed with Evangelion). Azumanga Dioh is generally not that funny to guys because it's humor is almost sublime. Gundam Seed is more like a mixture of Gundam Wing and Mobile Suit Gundam 0079. Single really powerful gundam that can kill armys, but they also have somthing akin to newtypes and a massive war between the two factions going on.
  18. No I won't be doing any snapping in two while doing calc.
  19. the only time I actually killed npcs was in Fable. I wanted to see what I looked like in full evil mode so I started to sack a town. I got full evil and was finially booted out of the town and couldn't go back for a week because of the price on my head.
  20. I'm going to add Escape Velocity Nova. Very few people talk about that game.
  21. Calax


    ouch! at least he had that healing ability. so, did he get the atomantium (sp?) claws back or what? and you know how the bone claws were broken, what about that? did he try to break down a metal door and forgot that his mettle didn't match his metal anymore? (pun see! mettle metal! HAHA! good one, eh? ) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> the claws would break off and grow back pretty fast... I didn't actually read it I just know it happened... I'm guessing anything that could break a bone broke his claws seeing as they are incredibly thin and they arn't built like a birds for strength.
  22. You essesntially covered up my marker! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So? Me and Child are so close geographicly that you have to get really close to see where we are in relation to eachother.
  23. Calax


    For you x-men buffs, i have seen a picture or two and an action-figure of wolverine with broken skeleton-like claws (though, the action figure's skeleton claws weren't teh broken ). i was wondering, what the heck is up with that? and... it looks cool... but i want to know what happened to him. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> couple of years ago magneto yanked all the metal from Wolvarines body. Thus he was running around with bone claws for a while (kitty used em as throwing knives for a time).
  25. I've noticed that some really good games are literally unknown by the wider gaming community. I thought that we ought to give homage to these games because nobody else except for the cults behind them will. My top Pick is: Zone of the Enders: the 2nd Runner THis game is probably one of the fastest paced combat games I've ever seen. It's mixture of anime and cg effects (and cell shading can't forget that) combine to make the most proper robot fighting game if your looking for somthing to give you that Gundam Wing "My one ship can kill all of j0" feel. It adds a few things that weren't in the origional (which actually sold more mainly because the MGS2 demo was in it) like grab attacks and it changes around the subweapons. And for those who love Gradius it' has the Vic Viper. There is one thing that this falls flat on its face. It's voice overs are garbage, and it doesn't have a second audio track you can switch to. Somtimes the voices sound like they are starting a completly new conversation in the middle of a sentance. Other times the mouth sync is off so that it becomes traditional kung fu theater (10 seconds of mouth moving, "HEY YOU!" being said really really fast) Eurogamer gives it an 8/10 Oh and for those who will liked the way Metal Gear was done it should be pointed out that the producer was none other than Hideo Kojima and Now some pics
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