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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Methinks it has to do with whats hitting you... Panzerschrek probably doesn't do as much damage as a tank or a tank killer. Also depending on where you are hit things would change. from behind=headshot, front=hand, sides would be the torso, and the belly of the tank would be like putting a gun so far up your nose it's poking your brain then pulling the trigger.
  2. well I think I should add Tie fighter... The game is practically unknown to the general population because it's so old... only those like us (we rock!) know about it to a greater extent and besides, the game can't be played on a XP platform... I say we beg Lucas arts to bring it back with a vengance.
  3. Ah. Geez, I'm getting a new source. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> the thing I forgot to add is that the two ladies and Kratos are outside of the shot so the insinuation...
  4. I'm gonna need a new system next year so...
  5. umm I edited my previous post... I fixed things.
  6. basically you hop up on the bed with the two ladies then you do the a series of control prompts and knock a vase (with the red orbs) off the bedside table..
  7. wooo! I gots me a new grafix carded majigger...ok it works... and I just got a Geforce 6200 technically it's for christmas and I'm just making sure it works.
  8. Just going to point this out... Everything we know about physics goes out the window when you hit zero-g.
  9. Calax


    lifestyle... No chairs.. you sleep on matss (well they do have western style rooms but not many of em. you can buy girls panties in a vending machine. beer too. Your crammed into a city like a sardine. and you use very reliable trains to get anywhere.
  10. dang... my gooder graphics card didn't want to load... every time it tried to bood it had a wierd reaction and started a cycle of reboots... I think it's overheating (it's a radeon 9200...) so. Tommarow I'm going to make a journey down to the computer store and figure out what my parents should buy for christmas. Oh and my entire system spec (from what I can tell anyway) is in the dxdiag.
  11. the other card I'm using (i only pop the current one in for project snow blind and 2 other games really) is an ati 9200... I just finished dling the drivers so I'm gonna go start the swap out.
  12. Kinda... they actually give you missions other than TAKE THAT OUTPOST! now and they also have a semi storyline added
  13. hang on my computer is reviving from a "windows update" induced hangover... I had to restore to yesterday. the little easy info has me at 60 and the game wants 128 tho for system memory it wants 512... I have 512.2
  14. I think I found it... Acording to the little thingy that came with the game I don't have enough "display Memory".
  15. well it still won't let me even start the bloody thing... For those techies out there he's my Dxdiag... Oh and it's that I can't even get into the game... much less try to select a server.
  16. I'm gonna apply patch 1.12 first then see what happens
  17. Damn, sounds as if you're setting us up for some serious ownage there. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm updating to 1.2 but the problem is that the game starts to load. screen goes black and the blinks a few times then drops me back at desktop... I think I need to swap graphics cards again
  18. well... I try to get on but the game doesn't want to start now...
  19. They look like they would be fun at parties. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> wow... And I thought my neighbors were bad.... (they like to say that it's the martians fault that global warming is occuring... because Mars is currently heating up too...)
  20. because I'm still installing?
  21. the addition of jedi as playable characters is nice. And you don't have people zipping around in air craft on ground levels anymore (well excepting for the Hoth battle...) with the PC its nice because you can do all sorts of things and not get any slow down.
  22. I don't like my acct name... I was forced to take Lcfr390 because all my other names were taken.... Rassafrassa...
  23. well... I'm psudoreligious too... the ants worship my drinking of mountain dew.
  24. well considering that this was at a landing on normandy... I don't think there would be that many men... And it happens everywhere... Even in missions where you are cut off from reinfocements all of a sudden a new army dude arrives to fill out the squad... this especially bad on a mission where you have to hold out for 5 minutes against a nazi attack so that you can be relieved by your own forces.
  25. I got it and spec forces now! installing atm.
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